Ch 28: House-Elf Reports

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 28: House-Elf Reports

Over the next week, Cameron didn't speak with Kiara. She noticed however, that he stared at her with sad eyes in the Great Hall during meals. In the hallways, he approached and opened his mouth to talk with her but he stopped himself when her friends glowered warningly in his direction.

Indeed, Kiara attempted to ignore him entirely. Unfortunately, it was near impossible. She ensured that she was never alone so that he wouldn't corner her. By heightening her senses and looking over her shoulder constantly meant that she noticed him more often than not.

Meanwhile, Harry was stressing about speaking with Slughorn to obtain an important memory about Voldemort. It was the final piece of the puzzle.

It was Dumbledore's request that Kiara should stay updated about their meetings and the information discussed within them. He believed that Kiara would need this information so that she could remain on their side and avoid Voldemort's manipulation and demands.

Harry described his lessons with Dumbledore as interesting yet confusing. In his last lesson, he was shown a memory where Tom Riddle is working for Borgin and Burkes, attempting to purchase valuable antiques from people. As such, Riddle is shown a golden chalice that belonged to Helga Hufflepuff and a golden locket that belonged to his family and Salazar Slytherin. It is suspected by Dumbledore that Voldemort killed the woman 2 days later, instead of the House-Elf who admitted to poisoning her master, particularly as both items disappeared as well as Tom Riddle.

When Harry shared this information with Kiara, she agreed with Dumbledore that he wanted to keep these items as trophies. In particular, she thought that he presumed that Slytherin's locket should be his own regardless, considering it was kept within his family for generations. On the other hand, she considered the Hufflepuff chalice as an odd addition but understood the reasoning of wanting to have a stronger connection with Hogwarts.

Like her and Harry, it was his proper home after all.

Following this, the second memory showed Riddle returning to Hogwarts, seeking the Defence Against the Dark Arts position. According to Harry, at this point, he was already known as Voldemort with his followers. Kiara found this suspicious; why would he want to work at Hogwarts? What could he possibly gain from doing so? Fortunately, Dumbledore refused his request. But, ever since then...

"He cursed the Defence Against the Dark Arts position!"

Harry nodded at Kiara's outburst mid-explanation.

On Sunday evening, the four sat in the Gryffindor Common Room next to the fire, amongst other fellow sixth-years. Harry was attempting to find any help in the Half-Blood Prince's book that could help him convince Slughorn to share his real memory. On the other hand, Kiara was finishing her Defence Against the Dark Art's essay on Dementors before she would write a letter to Fred and George about her week. Ron was just beginning his essay while Hermione read a flier on Apparition.

"There must be something in here to help me convince Slughorn," Harry remarked aloud.

"You won't find anything in there," Hermione disagreed firmly, not looking up from her flier.

"Don't start, Hermione," Harry retorted. "If it hadn't been for the Prince, Ron wouldn't be sitting here now."

"He's not wrong," Kiara muttered under her breath.

"He would if you'd just listened to Snape in our first year," Hermione said dismissively.

"She's not wrong either," Kiara added.

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