Ch. 9: Heartaches

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 9: Heartaches

Kiara and Ginny arrived early together in the Great Hall on the morning of their Quidditch Match against Slytherin. The Slytherin Table echoed loudly with hissing and booing as the two entered, Ginny glowered in their direction but Kiara merely smiled, winking at her twin brother, who scowled back. She noticed Cameron sitting a few seats down from Draco, who winked back and grinned, although he was wearing a Slytherin scarf around his neck.

The Gryffindor table cheered as the two girls sat down. Ginny's glare turned into a grin and Kiara knew her eyes would change to purple in embarrassment. The two began eating, chatting animatedly about their excitement for their first game together as Chasers before Harry and Ron joined them. Ginny's eyes flashed in infuriation as Ron sat down, the thought of Ron's protectiveness over her relationship with Dean clearly crossing her mind. When she noticed that Ron was pale with nerves however, her face softened and she smiled reassuringly at her older brother.

"Cheer up, Ron!" Lavender Brown called. "I know you'll be brilliant!"

Kiara and Ginny shared a knowing look before glancing at Ron who merely ignored her. Ron never acknowledged the female community, unless they were Fleur Delacour. Hermione approached the group before pausing behind Ron, her eyes narrowed. For some odd reason, Ron was becoming quite unpleasant towards Hermione lately. When questioned by Kiara, Harry quietly explained that Ron was becoming increasingly resentful of his exclusion from the Slug Club. While this may have been true, Kiara had a sneaking suspicion that he was also jealous that Cormac McLaggen, who developed a lust for Hermione, was part of the Slug Club too.

"I'll meet you down there," Kiara whispered to Harry who nodded, pouring Ron a glass of pumpkin juice. Her stomach was beginning to flutter with nervous butterflies and she wanted to walk to the Quidditch Pitch alone to compose herself. "Make sure he eats something."

Kiara exited the Great Hall, a lull of hissing following her departure. The Slytherin's jeering and sneers, aimed to put Kiara off, made her feel more confident for her first Quidditch Match. She tightened the Gryffindor scarf around her neck as she stepped outside, the frost on the grass crunching under her feet. She glanced up at the sky, smiling when she noticed that it was blue without a cloud in sight.

As she approached the stadium, she noticed the familiar dark messy hair, paired with amber eyes that she was becoming accustomed too. "Shame that you're playing for the other team, our House might've actually had a chance of winning."

Kiara grinned, eyeing his green and silver scarf. "Shame that you're supporting for the wrong House."

Cameron laughed, the sound of it echoing through Kiara's ears like honey. "I'm really only supporting the Gryffindor team because you're in it."

Her cheeks grew warm, even in the cold, fresh air. Without thinking, she moved towards Cameron, standing in front of him. He was smirking as she removed the Slytherin scarf from his shoulders before replacing it with her own. He ran his hands over the ends, chuckling as he considered the change to red and gold. "That's better."

"I think the Gryffindor colours suit you more," Kiara murmured, her face inches away from his. She could smell his cologne, he smelt like peppermint. Cameron stepped closer towards her, wrapping his own Slytherin scarf around her neck. Kiara pulled a disgusted face, at which Cameron chuckled, but she knew her eyes would be pink due to their close proximity.

"Funnily enough, I think the Slytherin colours suit you as well. You make them beautiful," Kiara knew for certain that her eyes were dark pink by now. Cameron's eyes met hers and he grinned, interested in the ways that he could change her emotions. "Good luck," he tapped Kiara's nose before ducking into the stadium.

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