Ch. 26: First Date with Cameron

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 26: First Date with Cameron


A letter addressed to Kiara arrived early on Sunday morning from Shadow who nipped her finger affectionately as she stroked her gratefully.

I will pick you up from your Common Room at 5pm. Don't worry about me finding a different Gryffindor by accident, my eyes only look for yours anyway.


At 4:55pm, Kiara checked her reflection once more in the mirror of the girls bathroom after spending over an hour getting ready. She was nervous about her looks; her eyes were white. Her short hair was freshly trimmed again, softly curled above her shoulders. She felt somewhat underdressed, wearing a long sleeved cream lace top with a black pencil skirt and boots. But, they were remaining at Hogwarts, instead of Hogsmeade for this date, as they were under strict lockdown and security with Death Eaters at large. As such, there wasn't many romantic spots around the school to dress exuberantly for without receiving judging or envious looks.

Hermione and Ginny weren't around to help or provide an opinion either. They were somewhat avoiding her today since they knew that she was seeing Cameron. By not being around, Kiara knew that they disapproved of her decision to spend time with him, especially on an official date. She deeply wished that her friends gave Cameron a chance in the same way that she did. If they did, maybe they would like him and would want to spend time with him too.

When she exited the Common Room, Cameron was patiently waiting for her by the portrait. He ignored the suspicious looks from the Fat Lady. His amber eyes snapped to her, almost immediately and he smiled.

"Is there ever a time that you don't look beautiful?"

Kiara laughed, feeling the relief flow through her body. "Probably."

"Impossible," he breathed. Kiara couldn't help but think about how handsome he looked. His white shirt was plain, yet rolled up at the elbow. She felt underdressed once more, considering he was wearing dress pants to match. "Stop comparing yourself to me, you are beautiful."

She tucked her hair nervously behind her ear. He knew exactly what she was thinking, just by watching the way her eyes moved and changed colour. It was astonishing that in the small time that he had known her, he knew her so well. He smirked and outstretched his hand towards her. Without hesitation, she took it, ignoring the steamy feeling that fulfilled her and allowed him to guide her to their date. "Where are we going?"

"To a place where all my wishes can come true," Cameron replied back mysteriously.

"And, they are?" Kiara asked quietly as they walked down the Grand Staircase to the Seventh Floor Corridor.


Kiara's cheeks matched her pink eyes. Cameron glanced at her, grinning when he noticed her eye colour. He stopped walking in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach the trolls ballet. When Kiara faced the opposite wall, she knew exactly where she was from her frequent visits last year.

"The Room of Requirement?"

"I've been trying to get in all week, to set up for tonight but someone else was in there. I was lucky today, I woke up earlier  than whoever else it was," Cameron explained. He let go of Kiara's hand, pacing in front of the wall three times. As he walked past the third time, the familiar door began to materialise in front of them. The two exchanged a pleasant smile before Cameron opened the door for Kiara.

As she entered, she gasped with delight. The Room of Requirement looked unrecognisable since she used it with Dumbledore's Army. In her fifth-year, there was spell-books, Dark Wizard detectors and props scattered around the room. Currently however, it seemed as if Cameron or the Room had conjured up multiple candles, similar to the ones in the Great Hall and used levitation to make them float above their heads. A fire was crackling in the fireplace, casting a warm glow across the room with comfortable pillows surrounding it. In the middle of the room, was a dining table with a bouquet of different coloured roses in the centre. He clearly remembered that she loved bright and colourful things. 

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