Ch. 27: Stronger

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 27: Stronger

When Kiara found herself in her own bed in the Girls Dormitory on the Monday morning, she was completely astonished. She was wearing the same clothes from the evening prior, yet her sheets and blanket were pulled over gently across her body. She couldn't remember climbing the Spiral Staircase whatsoever and even if she did, she would've changed into her pyjamas before going to sleep. The last thing that she remembered however, was falling asleep on Fred's shoulder in the Common Room.

Of course... Fred would've brought her upstairs before leaving Hogwarts. She wasn't sure if the stairs even turned into a slide since he wasn't a student anymore but even if they did, Fred would've managed somehow.

He always managed to get around everything, even if that meant breaking a few rules here and there.

The clock beside her bed displayed that she still had some time before classes. There was a crumpled note laying gently next to it.

I'm always here for you.

- Fred x

She stepped into the empty bathroom, immediately ripping the clothes off her body. She felt disgusted as she recalled the events from the night before. She could still feel Cameron's touch against her skin. Without thinking twice, she threw the clothes in the sink before lighting a flame in the palm of her hand. She didn't even flinch as she ignited the clothes from the night before, knowing that she'd never be able to wear or even look at them again.

Without a second glance, she stepped into the shower. She scrubbed her skin furiously with the soap, wanting all traces of Cameron to wash away from her skin and down the drain. Her skin began turning red and raw from her brutal ferocity but she didn't care. The events from last night were finally coming back to her but she ignored the urge to cry. She felt like she cried enough last night.

And, what about Fred? She remembered questioning him about his reasoning for following her and Cameron. She was glad he did so, but she wanted to know the reason why. It was unusual of Fred to pursue stalking. For years, he always trusted Kiara that she could be okay on her own. Maybe, like Ginny, he didn't like or trust Cameron. She couldn't imagine it was for any other reason.

He even tried speaking to her as she fell asleep. As hard as she tried to remember, she couldn't recall anything that he attempted to say as she drifted off to dreamland. The last thing that she could think of, was responding to Fred's comforting reminder that he loved her. Hearing those words from him, calmed her into a deep slumber because even after everything, she was glad that they still loved and cared for each other as friends.

After twenty minutes, Kiara finally exited her dormitory. Underneath her robes, her arms and legs were inflamed and agitated, due to the constant and harsh scrubbing. She felt clean however, as if she managed to remove any skin cells that were wrongly touched by Cameron.

Hermione and Ginny were sitting at a desk in the Gryffindor Common Room, talking in hushed voices. When they noticed Kiara walking towards them, they stopped immediately and smiled happily. Kiara had a sneaking suspicion that they were discussing her date with Cameron.

"Kiara, how are you?" Ginny asked.

"Did you have a good night?" Hermione said, ignoring the reproachful stare from Ginny, as though she asked the question prematurely. This slight interaction confirmed Kiara's suspicions that they were discussing herself and Cameron.

Kiara didn't answer, purely because she didn't know how to. She didn't want to relive the events from the night before, she'd already done that in the shower. The tears that she was fighting against began forming in her eyes, causing Ginny and Hermione's expressions to change to one's of worry and concern. Before any other Gryffindor could see Kiara's breakdown, Hermione and Ginny tugged her out of the Common Room and into an empty classroom.

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