Ch. 1: An Unlikely Friend

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 1: An Unlikely Friend

Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour returned to the Burrow a few weeks after, luggage bags in hand. Fleur's arrival radiated her usual beauty once more as she walked through the door, kissing everyone on the cheek and prancing inside. While Fleur slept in Ginny's room, much to her horror, Bill slept in his old room. The newly engaged couple attempted to share a room together but the idea was quickly dismissed by Mrs Weasley with one hard stare.

Mrs Weasley, normally a warm and friendly woman, became cool and impatient whenever Fleur entered the room, particularly when she was complaining about the lack of activities to do at the Burrow. Ginny on the other hand, created a new nickname for Fleur to openly display her dislike whenever she wasn't around. Hermione arrived a few days after Bill and Fleur and grew to dislike the French woman as well.

On a happier note, Mr Weasley was promoted after the new Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour was instated. As a result, several new offices were created in response to Lord Voldemort's return and the known activity of Death Eaters. Mr Weasley was now head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects, confiscating fake objects that were sold to 'protect' desperate witches and wizards.

On the Friday morning after Fleur and Hermione arrived at the Burrow, a tawny owl soared through the window as Ron, Hermione, Kiara and Ginny were eating their pancakes for breakfast. Mrs Weasley opened the letter, giving the owl a treat before it took off into the daylight. "It's from Professor Dumbledore. He says that he will be bringing Harry here to stay with us for the rest of tomorrow."

"'Arry? 'Arry Potter is coming here?" Fleur entered the room, looking impossibly stunning at such an early time of the morning. Kiara felt self-conscious, knowing that her messy bun and the circles under her eyes from nightmares were nowhere near Fleur's natural beauty.

"Yes yes, how many other Harry's do we know?" Mrs Weasley said, the excitement vanishing from her voice as she turned to Fleur who took a seat next to Ron. Ron's focus switched from the pancakes in front of him to the woman beside him. The three other girls at the table rolled their eyes; it was very rare that Ron lost attention in food.

"Well, I am so pleased to 'ear that he is coming. 'Arry is such a charming boy, my seester talks about 'Arry Potter all ze time."

"Ginny used to talk about Harry all the time too," Ron blurted out, trying to catch Fleur's attention. She however, turned to Ginny, smiling.

"Is zat true Ginny? You and my seester will get along so well, eet will be good for you to talk about your crushes," Fleur exclaimed happily. Ginny faked a smile before glaring at Ron when Fleur looked away. Ron did not seem to notice, entranced by Fleur until he yelped out in pain as she kicked him under the table.

"Well, let's not fuss over Harry too much. We don't want to make him uncomfortable," Mrs Weasley said through gritted teeth, washing the plates furiously.


Early the next day, Kiara woke up to Hermione shaking her softly awake. Hermione and Kiara were sharing Fred and George's room now as Ginny was sharing hers with Fleur. Kiara however, remained in Fred's bed.

"What's wrong 'Mione?" Kiara yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"I just spoke to Mrs Weasley. Harry is already here," Kiara suddenly felt wide awake, eager to see her friend again after a month.

"Well, let's wake up Ron first." Kiara threw a jumper over her head, slipping on her ugg boots. "And, I have the perfect idea how."

Hermione noticed that Kiara's eyes flashed green as she said this, indicating that she was planning something mischievous. Everyone around Kiara knew that her eyes were permanently a grey colour since her breakup with Fred so a change of colour was rare. Hermione sighed but did not question her friend, knowing that Kiara wouldn't listen anyway. She spent too much time with the twins over the years. Hermione followed Kiara to Ron's bedroom underneath the attic. Kiara pushed the door open gently to discover Ron laying spread eagled in his bed, his mouth open as he snored deeply.

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