Ch. 24: Love Potions

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 24: Love Potions

The day after the first Apparition lesson, Kiara finally received a response from Fred and George. While it was three weeks later than her initial letter, she wasn't mad though. She knew that they were both busy with Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. She was disappointed however, when she saw that it was only George's handwriting.

Dear Kiara,

We have been smashing sales. We haven't smashed them literally yet, but that is a good idea for us.

We are honoured that you continue to come to us with your issues. We consider ourselves the wisest people in your life.

Kiara giggled but continued to read.

After doing some thinking, we have both come to the same conclusion. We are also confused, but not in the same way that you are. We are confused because, why aren't you learning the other two elements now? Stop wasting time! We want you to grow some flowers and fly in the air to us... if that's what you can do.

We both know you're the strongest witch. You don't need us to tell you that, either.

Love always,

Fred and George.

Kiara nearly folded the parchment before she noticed a small scribble at the bottom of the page. It was a PS and it wasn't in George's writing.

PS: I believe in you.

Kiara smiled as she wrote her reply, detailing her invention of the Flash Fire that she stressed for them to produce and sell as quickly as possible. Within days, she received a response that it was one of their bestsellers.


As life at Hogwarts moved into March, students were further disappointed when signs went up in all the common rooms, announcing that the next Hogsmeade trip was cancelled. While Ron was furious because the trip fell on his seventeenth birthday, Kiara was saddened that she missed out on an opportunity to go on a date with Cameron.

"I'm sorry our date got cancelled," Cameron apologised the day after when Kiara met with him on break. They sat facing each other, side by side on a bench in the courtyard, outside the warmth of the castle.

"You apologise like it's your fault," Kiara smiled, struggling to push a strand of hair behind her ear. The wind kept pushing it forward. "You didn't cancel the trip yourself, did you?"

"No, but I picked that date," Cameron grinned, taking the strand gently and placing it delicately behind her ear. Kiara shivered as the wind blew, but she wasn't cold. He gave her chills at their close proximity. His grin widened as he noticed. "Come here," Cameron outstretched his arm around her, pulling her to his chest. She blushed, her face brushing against him where she breathed in his scent of ... oranges. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." Gently, he kissed the top of her head, grinning as he knew her eyes would turn pink.


On the first of March, Kiara woke calmly from her sleep. Her nightmares were less since the Christmas holidays. They were a rare occurrence. Perhaps, fixing her friendship with Fred while moving on with her life was a positive change that she could live with.

Hermione was sitting on her bed, reading a thick book about the many uses of Dragon Blood. It was a Saturday morning, so there were no classes. According to the clock by her bedside table, she slept in for a few hours.

"Good morning, 'Mione."

"Good morning, Kiara."

"Have you seen Ron yet?" Kiara asked as she got changed into a jumper and trackies, not sparing a moment to waste to question Hermione. Kiara remembered what day it was but she wasn't sure that Hermione did. She had a sneaking suspicion however, that she never forgot in the first place.

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