Ch. 32: The Quidditch Cup

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 32: The Quidditch Cup

On Saturday morning, the Gryffindor team walked down to the Quidditch Pitch for their final match against Ravenclaw. The team, however, was missing Harry who was punished by Snape for cursing Draco with Sectumsempra in their duel with detentions that would take place every Saturday.

It was no surprise that Snape chose Saturdays intentionally. The Gryffindor team changed their layout once more with Ginny playing Seeker and Dean resuming his place as Chaser. The team was barely given the opportunity to train together with the newest adjustments and it was apparent that they were struggling. In his place, Harry asked Kiara to be vice-captain because of her direction during the last match when he was injured. She suggested Katie or Ginny, believing that they were much stronger than she was but he insisted.

Kiara felt sympathy for Harry, unlike Hermione who believed that he completely deserved it by keeping the Prince's Book in the first place and reminded him of it at least five times a day. It was horrible to watch him at breakfast that morning of the Quidditch match, with his face practically buried in his oatmeal as his team rose to their feet around him.

She couldn't help but notice, however, that his mood seemed to lighten slightly when Ginny embraced him, reassuring him that it wasn't his fault and that she would bring the Snitch back for them both.

The silence in the change rooms was deafening and awkward. You could hear a pin drop. Kiara glanced around at the team in disbelief as she stepped out of the women's room in her Quidditch robes. "Why are you all acting like someone's died?"

"Because someone did," Peakes said gloomily.

"Our season," Cootes added dramatically.

"If we act like this on the Pitch, we might as well hand the Quidditch Cup to Ravenclaw now and save ourselves the embarrassment," Kiara retorted, folding her arms.

"They have the upper hand on us," Peakes chimed in. "They're playing with the same team. Honestly... One more week and Harry could've cursed Malfoy. He could've cursed the entire Slytherin house for all I care. What was he thinking?"

"Don't blame him," Ginny snapped. "He was defending himself from getting cursed."

"No one's blaming Harry. I just can't believe that everyone was finally back and then we lose Harry..." Katie said disappointedly.

"Thanks a lot," Dean muttered, glowering at Katie as if she was insinuating that he wasn't really part of their team at all.

"Enough!" Kiara called, ceasing the bickering. Six people turned to her with curious expressions. "We've had a rough season. One of our players was cursed and the other was poisoned. I punched McLaggen," Kiara's eyes flashed green and there were several sniggers in response. "If anything, we have proven that we can adapt. We can push through each and every obstacle because we are Gryffindors." The mood in the room seemed to lighten as everyone smiled.

"Now, using that..." Kiara continued with dark blue eyes as she began formulating a plan in her mind. "What do we know about Ravenclaw?"

"They're smart," Peakes answered.

"Meaning they'll have a strategy that they'll follow through with," Ginny pointed out.

"Exactly," Kiara nodded. "Ravenclaw has always got the best strategy, which is obvious because of their house. They're calculated and they know what their plan is. They think first."

"So, if we throw them off their game..." Ron said slowly.

"We win," Kiara confirmed. "We don't need to outsmart their game, we just need to ruin it. We need to play like Slytherin."

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