Ch. 8: Fake Smiles

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 8: Fake Smiles

Since the school term begun, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes experienced a slight decline in the number of customers that entered and exited the store. This didn't prevent the joke shop from booming however, in sale and profits. The shop hadn't even been open officially for a year yet, Fred and George Weasley had made more Galleons than they could've possibly imagined.

Before the store opened for yet another day, George sat at the kitchen table in the flat above the shop, eating his slice of toast with marmalade. Toast was a common breakfast meal, it was the easiest for teenage boys to make, alongside cereal. Their mother constantly sent them baskets of food, full of muffins, meat pies, pasta or soups, concerned for her mischievous yet hard-working twins who were no longer living at home.

Thump. George looked up from a parchment that indicated the store's inventory from the previous day. He noticed a cluster of feathers flapping outside the window, resembling a tangled and messy mop.

"What the-? Errol?" George pushed open the window, letting the Weasley Family owl fly in. It knocked into the fridge before landing face first on the kitchen bench, hooting thankfully. "Do you realise that you should be landing on your feet?"

Errol hooted in response, pushing himself up. George noticed a letter addressed to him tied to his foot. The handwriting seemed like it was from Ginny but Ginny rarely addressed her letters to one twin. Usually, her letters were addressed to Fred and George.

George took the letter from Errol and opened it carefully. Before reading it, he filled a bowl of water for Errol who took a few gulps before flying out the window, hooting in gratitude. George shook his head with a grin before turning his attention to the letter.

Dear George,

I know you're probably wondering why I addressed this letter to you and not Fred. I don't think Fred will want to know this so please don't tell him. I don't know who else to talk too about it.

Kiara is spending more and more time with a Seventh-Year. His name is Cameron and he's in Slytherin. I hate to say it but he is different, he's not like the rest. Kiara seems to think that too. He likes her, George. I can tell. And I think she's starting to like him too. Her eyes are pink whenever she sees him and you know the only other time they were that colour.

I don't know what to do, George. It's not right. She's meant to be with Fred.

Ginny x

"Oh no..." George muttered, leaning against the kitchen bench. Truthfully, he didn't believe that Kiara could possibly move on from Fred. The two were in love and from seeing her only once after the break-up, he could tell that Kiara wasn't over their break-up in any possible way. Even in her letters, Kiara never addressed the topic of Fred. She always skimmed around the subject, avoiding it any way. Speaking of her letters, Kiara hadn't replied to George's last letter for over two weeks. George presumed that Kiara was merely busy with Sixth-Year work but now... He was doubtful that it was because of an alternate reason instead.

"Georgie boy, what are you reading?"

George looked up hastily, attempting to hide the letter from Fred's view. Fred stood at the doorway to the kitchen, smirking at his twin. "J-Just some numbers for our inventory. We need some more Puking Pastilles, we're running quite low."

"The look on your face is telling me something different. Come on, it's a letter from Gin saying that I am the better twin," Fred whipped out his wand and before George could respond, he flicked it lazily towards the parchment in George's hand. "Accio letter."

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