Ch. 16: Explosion

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 16: Explosion

Kiara woke up the next morning in an empty bed, with the sun shining in her face. She turned around, puzzled about why she couldn't feel another body, before she realised that Fred must've left as soon as he woke up. Suddenly, George entered the room, whistling cheerfully as he dried his wet hair with a towel.

"Why are you so happy?" Kiara grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Oh, nothing at all. It's such a great morning, you know? But, when I woke up, Fred had his arms wrapped around you like a cuddly teddy bear," George cooed, falling into a lapse of sniggers after.

She sat up suddenly, her body feeling wide awake and she stared at George in shock. "You're lying to me."

"I most certainly am not," George grinned, tossing his damp towel at her. Kiara squeaked in disgust and she kicked it to the floor. "He looked so peaceful too."

"Where did he go then?"

"Well, he woke up when he heard me singing," George smirked, combing his hair back. "I've never seen him jump out of his bed so quick."

Kiara groaned, covering her face in embarrassment. "This is all your fault."

"Actually, you could've slept on the floor," George pointed out, dodging the pillow that was sharply thrown at him. "You should be thanking me, not hurting me."

"Thanking you?" Kiara screeched, glaring at George who hushed her. "For what?" She hissed in a significantly quieter tone.

"If Fred hated you so much, he wouldn't be cuddling up to you in his sleep." George's words hit Kiara hard because he wasn't wrong. Fred's cold and icy exterior was starting to crack while his caring and light-hearted personality towards Kiara was starting to return. "And, even though I encouraged you to share a bed, I didn't force either of you."

"You vanished my mattress outside in the middle of the night!"

"Yeah, well... That was the encouragement."

Kiara sighed but she smiled appreciatively at George. "Let's hope it worked then. Otherwise, my mattress has frostbite for nothing."

"Well, breakfast is nearly ready so we'll find out," George clapped his hands together pompously. He glanced over his shoulder and gestured at her to follow him. "You coming?"

"I know this is a better question for Ginny but... Should I put some effort in how I look?"

"If I recall correctly, Fred preferred your natural beauty so I guess that includes when you look like a fluffy rat."

"If I could throw my pillow at you, I would but I've already used it," Kiara scoffed, brushing her bed hair clumsily with her hands. "Let's go eat breakfast then." Before they reached the kitchen, Kiara suddenly remembered something. "George, what song were you singing this morning when you woke Fred up?"

"Oh, nothing special," George exhaled joyfully. "It was just 'Can't Help Falling in Love.'"

"George!" Kiara yelled as the door to the kitchen opened. Everyone at the breakfast table turned at the loud sound of her voice, including Fred, who stared at her strangely. Kiara's eyes turned purple and she blushed. "Um... He stood on my foot."

"George," Mrs Weasley snapped. "Stop hurting Kiara!" Her tone of voice immediately changed when she turned to Kiara. "Come sit next to Ginny, dear. The pancakes are nearly ready."

Kiara smiled gratefully, murmuring a good morning to everyone and sat next to Ginny, facing Fred. He scanned Kiara, up and down, eyeing her messy, blonde hair and the oversized jumper that fell past her pyjama shorts.

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