Ch. 5: Curses

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 5: Curses

The first Hogsmeade trip for the school term was scheduled for mid-October. All the sixth-years were pleased that she could finally spend a day away from the inside of their Common Rooms or the Library.

As Kiara walked with Harry, Ron and Hermione to Hogsmeade, she created a flame in the palm of her hands and cupped them together to keep herself warm from the bitter wind. The fire from her powers kept her warmer than the scarf wrapped around her neck and the woollen jacket that covered her body.

As Harry and Hermione opened the door to Honeydukes, Kiara extinguished the fire to prevent receiving any unwanted attention.

"Thank god! Let's stay here all afternoon," Ron shivered as they stepped into the warm, toffee-scented air.

"Harry, m'boy!"

"Oh no," Harry muttered as Professor Slughorn appeared behind them, occupying at least a quarter of the shop with a large bag of crystalised pineapple. "Harry, that's three of my little suppers you've missed now! It won't do m'boy, I'm determined to have you!" Kiara kept her head lowered, hoping that Professor Slughorn wouldn't notice her but it seemed like he sniffed her out. "And Kiara dear, where have you been? I have missed your presence at our suppers. Miss Granger loves them, don't you?"

"Yes, they're really-,"

"So why don't you come along, Harry, Kiara?" Slughorn demanded, looking between the two.

"Well, I've had Quidditch practice, Professor," Harry said quickly and Kiara nodded in agreement. She had an inkling that Harry intentionally scheduled practices the same nights of Slughorn's suppers as his announcements occurred not much longer after the appearance of little, violent ribbon adorned-invitations. Kiara, although glad that she had a reason to avoid the Slug Club, was frustrated as she lost the opportunity to finally speak with the Slytherin boy.

It seemed like she could not track him down whatsoever. She always saw him at meal times with his friends but rarely in the corridor on the way to her classes where she could speak to him. Whenever his eyes met Kiara's however, it was always the same reaction. He smiled or winked at her, causing her cheeks to grow warm.

"And I'm a Chaser on the team now, sir," Kiara added, causing Slughorn to sigh.

"Well I certainly expect you to win your first match after all the, hard work! But a little recreation never hurt anybody. Now, how about Monday night, you can't possibly want to practice in this weather..."

"I can't, Professor, I've got – er – an appointment with Professor Dumbledore that evening," Harry replied, trying to keep the glee out of his voice.

"Unlucky again!" Slughorn cried dramatically. "Well, Kiara, I'm sure you will be attending then! Harrison has been asking where you have been." Kiara avoided Hermione's questioning glance, hoping that her face was only hot because of the warmth of Honeydukes. Why was the Slytherin boy asking Slughorn about her? "You can't evade me forever, Harry!"

And with a brisk rub of his stomach, Slughorn waddled out of the shop, completely ignoring Ron as if he was a display of Cockroach Clusters.

"I can't believe you've wriggled out of another one," Hermione shook her head. "They're not that bad, you know... They're even quite fun sometimes..." Ron's moody expression seemed to suggest a change of topic. "Oh, look – They've got deluxe sugar quills – those would last hours!"

She turned to Kiara as she picked out an extra-large sugar quill. "Do you know that Slytherin boy?"

Kiara shook her head. "I only met him on the train at Slughorn's compartment but I never spoke to him." She didn't want any of her friends to know that she felt chills every time she caught him staring at her... They would turn it into something it wasn't or worse, bring up the subject of Fred.

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