Ch. 13: Intentional Schemes

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 13: Intentional Schemes

Kiara paced around Fred and George's bedroom, chewing her bottom lip uncomfortably. Her trunk lay open ajar next to the door and Shadow stood on top of her cage, sleeping peacefully with her head under her wing after the long flight from Hogwarts. "Of all things to happen these Christmas holidays," Kiara muttered under her breath, stepping over the spare mattress that lay on the floor, presumably where she would be sleeping for the next two weeks.

A crack resounded through the room. Kiara sighed glumly, sitting on Fred's bed as she faced George who was grinning happily, his hands clasped together in glee. "I reckon Mum did it intentionally. Bill could've bunked with us but she's refusing."

"Is Fred still downstairs?" Kiara asked unhappily.

George shook his head. "He's sulking somewhere outside. He gave up asking if he could sleep elsewhere. Mum won't change her mind."

Kiara groaned, laying down and staring blankly at the ceiling. "This is going to be the worst Christmas ever."

George studied the blonde for a few minutes, observing her physical changes since he saw her last. Her hair was shoulder length and her eyes were no longer a constant shade of grey. "How's Cameron by the way?" George asked cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows.

Kiara jolted upright from the bed, her eyes turning from grey to bright orange. "How do you know about Cameron?"

"Ginny," George said absentmindedly, observing Kiara's reaction. Her eyes were wide. He was silently disheartened to see however, that her eyes quickly flashed pink when she mentioned his name. This small colour change confirmed the fears he had ever since he received Ginny's letter.

She sighed, mentally cursing Ginny for telling George. She couldn't blame her however; George was her brother. "We're only friends."

"So were you and Fred. No wonder he's been so moody."

"Wait... What?" Kiara cried in disbelief, her eyes snapping to George heatedly who recoiled slightly from the flicker of red. "You told him?"

"No, I didn't," George countered, crossing his arms and sniffing in pride. "I'm not that stupid," Kiara sighed deeply in relief, pushing her hair behind her ear. "He read Ginny's letter though."

"George!" Kiara exclaimed, throwing a pillow at his head which fortunately, made contact with his face. "Why would you do that?"

"What's the big deal if you're only friends?" George argued, throwing the pillow back to Kiara who caught it with ease using her Chaser skills. She paused, pulling the pillow towards her chest comfortingly.

"N-Nothing," Kiara stammered out ashamedly. "I just don't want Fred to get the wrong idea."

"Because you care about what he thinks?" George pressed gently, yearning for Kiara to admit her true feelings for Fred and that she wanted to be with him again.

"No," Kiara said flatly but the guilt filled her stomach as she spoke. It cried to her but she pushed it deep, deep down. "I care about him and his wellbeing, but not what he thinks of me."

George sighed miserably, unable to comprehend Kiara's words and feelings towards his twin brother. He stood up however, and extended his hand to her. "Come on, that's enough moping around for today. Let's go downstairs."

"And risk seeing Fred?" Kiara groaned.

"You'll have to see him eventually. There is no point prolonging it."

George tugged Kiara out of the bedroom and down the stairs towards the kitchen where Harry and Ron were talking. As they reached the landing however, Fred was leaning against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest and his face void of emotion. Kiara almost felt invisible as he avoided eye-contact with her all together. "I was wondering when you would join me, George."

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