Ch. 19: New Year's Eve

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 19: New Year's Eve

It was the last day of 1996. Mrs Weasley cooked mouth-watering roast pork for those at the Burrow with mashed potatoes and several salads which disappeared within minutes and was replaced by fulfilled bellies.

After dessert (a delicious blueberry cake with vanilla ice cream), they all sat in the living room, chatting amongst themselves happily. Celestina Warbeck was singing on the radio once again, with Mrs Weasley humming along. Kiara laughed as she sat in between Fred and George on the couch, ignoring the tingling sensation of the right-hand side of her body that was pressed up close to Fred.

"Ze seenging is terrible," Fleur complained loudly, tossing her silvery hair over her shoulder and glowering at Mrs Weasley. Bill smiled at his fiancée and politely asked his mum to turn the music down. Mrs Weasley's happy face was suddenly replaced by a stony expression absent of any emotion.

"Come on, let's go up to our room," George murmured, attempting to hide his glee as his mother swelled like a bullfrog. Mr Weasley began talking loudly to detract the conversation. Fred nodded and grabbed Kiara's hand, pulling her from the couch discreetly while everyone else in the room was distracted by the argument that was about to unfold.

"Why did you want to leave?" Kiara asked quietly, shutting the bedroom door behind her with a click.

"I am disappointed that you think we want to spend our New Year's Eve listening to our favourite Celestina Warbeck," George confessed, flicking his wand and a bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhiskey appeared.

"Are you two insane? I am not of age yet," Kiara exclaimed, watching Fred open the bottle with wide-eyes. Fred and George raised their eyebrows in disbelief. Kiara groaned. "I forgot, you two don't even know what a rule is."

"We do, we just choose to forget it," Fred commented, holding out the bottle to Kiara encouragingly.

Kiara took the bottle warily, conflicted of whether she should drink Firewhiskey when she was underage. It was New Year's Eve, however, and who else would it be better to drink alcohol with, other than her two best friends? The twins watched her smugly as the blonde took a swig, almost coughing as the liquid seared her throat. The feeling suddenly became pleasant when a sense of courage and confidence filled her body.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel... Good," Kiara replied assertively. She felt like the prettiest girl in the household, if not, the whole of England. She suddenly became aware of the oversized Weasley jumper that she wore, covering her pyjama shorts. It was obscuring her figure underneath and she felt the sudden need to show it off.

She passed the Firewhiskey to George before pulling off her jumper effortlessly. She was only wearing a bra underneath but for the first time in her life, she didn't mind who would see her. She didn't even care that her ex-boyfriend was staring at her with wide eyes and his mouth open. George, who realised at the last second what was happening, managed to look away but Kiara could see the trace of a smirk on his face.

"Kiara, what..." Fred stammered before coughing loudly, realising that he was speaking shakily. "What are you doing?"

"I'm changing," Kiara said boldly, pulling a long-sleeved shirt over herself that hugged her figure. It wasn't oversized like the Weasley jumper and she felt confident with her body. "You can turn around, George. At least you have manners." George sniggered while Fred's ears turned red. He muttered something irritably under his breath.

"So, now what?" Kiara asked George, taking another drink of Firewhiskey.

"Well," He checked his watch. "We have two hours until midnight. Maybe we could play a few rounds of Truth and Dare?"

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