Ch. 7: Pineapples

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 7: Pineapples

After Slughorn's dinner, Kiara did not get the opportunity to speak to Cameron. She did however, spot him across the corridor or in the Great Hall during meal times. Cameron merely smirked in her direction but didn't attempt to speak to her. She was content with their small exchanges nevertheless, in fact, she looked forward to them to brighten her day.

The Quidditch Match between Gryffindor and Slytherin was drawing near and Harry was beginning to worry, considering that the Gryffindor team was short of a Chaser. Katie Bell was still in St Mungo's Hospital with no prospect of leaving. It eventually came down to Kiara telling him that he needed to find a substitute because the team would need to train before the match to ensure the new Chaser would fit in.

After much consideration, Dean Thomas became the new substitute Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Although many Gryffindors were angry that the captain now selected three of his classmates, Harry stood strongly by his decision. At training, Harry requested that the three Chasers work together to score goals against Ron. Although his technique was distinct to Katie's, Dean worked unquestionably well with the two girls. By the end of the practice, Kiara was confident that Dean could understand her moves and vice versa.

Unfortunately, the only person on the team who needed confidence was Ron. Kiara remained sympathetic to his insecurities, despite his extreme display of nerves when saving goals in front of a crowd of people.

"It was an accident, I'm sorry, Kiara, really sorry!" Ron shouted after Kiara as she zigzagged back to the ground, dripping blood everywhere after he accidentally punched her in the face in an attempt to turn over the Quaffle. "I just-,"

"Panicked," Ginny growled, landing next to Kiara and examining her fat lip. Kiara closed her eyes in discomfort, her lip throbbing. "You prat, Ron, look at the state of her!"

"I can fix that," Harry said, landing beside the two girls, pointing his wand at Kiara's mouth. "Episkey." Kiara groaned in agony before the pain disappeared completely. "And Ginny, don't call Ron a prat, you're not the Captain of this team-,"

"Well, you seemed too busy to call him a prat and I thought someone should-,"

Kiara laughed, gingerly touching her now, normal-looking lip. "Gin, it's okay. It was an accident. Just don't do that in a game and we'll be okay."

"In the air, everyone, let's go..."

The training continued for another hour before Harry called it off, acknowledging the team's great efforts. Kiara changed into her casual clothes before following Ginny and Dean to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"I loved playing with you, Kiara. I didn't realise how great of a player you were," Dean commented, his hand intertwined with Ginny's. Kiara felt slightly uncomfortable as she walked next to the couple and immediately regretted her decision.

"I never got the opportunity to trial in the team until now. The team never changed until last year and even then, the only position that was open was Keeper. Angelina and Alicia left last year so I'm glad I could finally join the team before I finished at Hogwarts."

When the three reached the second floor to use a shortcut to walk to Gryffindor Tower, the tapestry swung to the side.

"Fancy seeing you here Kiara."


He was standing in a navy hoodie and jeans, his hair messily pushed back. He grinned at Kiara. "Seems like our little owl missed your Quidditch training tonight."

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