Ch. 2: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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"Kiara Malfoy."

Chapter 2: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

Life at the Burrow for the next few weeks became more enjoyable for Kiara who spent most of her time playing Quidditch in the Weasleys' orchard in girl's vs boy's matches (herself, Hermione and Ginny against Harry and Ron). It kept her mind occupied and away from thoughts of Fred or the reality of the wizarding world with odd disappearances, accidents and deaths. It was becoming regular for bad news to be heard at dinner, rather than any good news.

Bill and Fleur decided to remain longer at the Burrow, much to Mrs Weasley's displeasure. Kiara enjoyed having Fleur around however, particularly after their conversation about Fred.

The day after Harry's sixteenth birthday, the letters and booklists arrived from Hogwarts. Kiara scanned the booklist excitedly before a sudden realisation dawned upon her; she would have to visit Diagon Alley to purchase all her school supplies for her sixth year. And there was one store that they were sure to visit.

"Well, I don't suppose we can put off a trip to Diagon Alley much longer now you've got these," Mrs Weasley sighed as she read Ron's booklist.

"Will we all be going Mrs Weasley?" Kiara asked slowly, holding her breath.

"Of course, dear. We'll go on Saturday as long as Arthur doesn't have to go into work again. I'm not going there without him."

Kiara looked back down at the booklist, feeling her heart clench. The uncomfortable feeling did not ease when Ron cried, "No, I wanna come, I want to see Fred and George's shop!"

When Mrs Weasley left the room, Ginny stared at Kiara who was chewing her lip nervously as she considered the thought. "You don't need to come. I'm sure mum will understand."

Kiara didn't respond for a few minutes as she held her booklist tightly. "I'll come, it's okay."

"Are you sure?" Hermione murmured, leaning towards the other two girls and away from Harry and Ron. "I mean, we'll definitely be seeing Fr-,"

"I think I need to see him," Kiara said determinedly, her eyes momentarily changing to a dark blue. "I need to see if he's okay, at least."

The two girls exchanged anxious looks but didn't argue with their friend. They both knew that their friend was hurting, her eyes were still a shade of dark grey. Unlike before however, they flashed different colours when she felt a momentary change of emotion but it was fleeting and never lingered. Seeing Fred could not cause more pain than what she was already experiencing.

On Saturday morning, Bill passed a full money bag to Kiara before doing the same with Harry. Kiara thanked the eldest Weasley child politely.

"Where's mine?" Ron demanded, noticing the bags.

"That's already theirs, idiot. I got it out of your vaults for you, because it's taking about five hours for the public to get to their gold at the moment, the goblins have tightened security so much. Two days ago, Arkie Philpott had a Probity Probe stuck up his... Well, trust me, this way's easier."

"No one could break into Gringotts before, I doubt they can now," Kiara pointed out, Bill merely shrugged.

"How did you manage to access the Malfoy vault? Surely, the security would be high for an older Pureblood family." Hermione asked Bill curiously but Kiara answered the question instead.

"Draco and I have separate vaults. A decent amount of money is in each but we were told we could access mother and father's whenever we needed."

"Thanks, Bill," Harry said, pocketing his gold.

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