Ch. 4: New Hair

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 4: New Hair

The first week at Hogwarts flew past with flying colours. Because Kiara received nine OWLs in total, she was cleared to continue with Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Astronomy and Potions. While Harry and Ron wrongly assumed that the free periods of sixth-year were for relaxing and leisure, they discovered to their dismay that sixth-year was extremely difficult compared to OWL year.

Surprisingly, Professor Snape was now teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts while Professor Slughorn resumed his old post of Potions master. Harry, along with Kiara and Hermione were praised in Potions on numerous occasions. While Ron and Hermione were unhappy with Harry's copy of the textbook from the Half-Blood Prince, Kiara was delighted for her friend. It was one of the first times where Harry excelled in a class and he deserved the recognition, even though it was by someone else's instruction.

On the morning of the second Saturday of the school term, Harry, as the Gryffindor Quidditch Team Captain, organised to hold tryouts for a brand new team. For the first time, Kiara put her name down for a position as Chaser. Over the summer holiday, she surprised herself in her abilities to play Quidditch at the Burrow.

Kiara woke up early that Saturday morning, at approximately 6am. She was awoken from her usual nightmare of Fred and Verity, laughing romantically together. Kiara ran her fingers through her hair before freezing as she held the ends in her fingertips. It was unnerving that Verity also had similar, long blonde hair to Kiara. She therefore, knew what she needed to do.

"Diffindo," Kiara whispered, pointing her wand at her hair as she stared at the mirror of the bathroom, her eyes white with apprehension. The severing charm was successful as her blonde hair fell softly to the floor, leaving Kiara's hair shoulder-length. An hour passed as Kiara charmed her hair, layering it until it finally sat the way she liked.

"Kiara, are you in there?" Hermione called, opening the door to the bathroom. Her eyes widened as she saw Kiara's short hair. "Oh my... Kiara... Your hair!"

"Does it look bad?" Kiara asked apprehensively, nervously pulling a piece. Her hair was now softly curled, enhancing her features. She wasn't as recognisable as she was, Hermione nearly thought it was someone else for a moment. But, Hermione smiled, shaking her head.

"Of course not. It's just unexpected. You've had long hair for as long as I can remember."

Kiara grinned, glancing in the mirror. "I just needed a change. Everything is different now and I felt like I need to move on from certain things too."

Hermione sighed slightly. It was clear that Kiara was still hurting, even though she was trying to distract herself as much as possible. If she needed a haircut to help herself heal from a broken heart, then Hermione would support her as her best friend. "Well... Should we go down to the Great Hall for breakfast?"

Kiara nodded in response, tucking her short hair behind her ear. Kiara quickly changed before the two walked through the castle together until they reached the Great Hall where Harry and Ron were already seated and waiting, dressed in Quidditch Robes and ready for the Gryffindor Team trials. Kiara felt oddly nervous as she wore a similar set of robes but confident in her application as Chaser.

"Good morning gentlemen," Kiara said, taking a seat across from the two boys. They stared at Kiara oddly, as if trying to place their finger on something.

"Kiara... You're looking different..." Ron trailed off before his eyes widened. "HA! Is it the Quidditch Robes?"

Harry smacked his forehead with his hand, dazed in his best friend. "Your hair looks great, Kiara." He then turned towards the staff table where Hagrid's seat was empty once again.

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