Ch. 3: The Slytherin

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 3: The Slytherin

For the last week of the summer holidays, Kiara continued either playing Quidditch outside with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny or helping Mrs Weasley around the Burrow. While Kiara found herself smiling in the daytime, she was struggling to sleep at night. Every night, before she fell asleep, the image of Fred with Verity popped into her mind. Although it calmed her that Fred was moving on, it didn't stop her heart from aching each time.

After the first two nights, Kiara decided to write to George. When she did, she typically received a response the following night. It was a mutual agreement that George wouldn't bring up Fred and Kiara in their letters but Kiara noticed that he suspiciously hinted at it every once in a while.

On the morning of their departure to Hogwarts, Kiara was up first with her trunk packed and Shadow in her cage, calling happily. Kiara rubbed her gorgeous feathers as she fed her. "I'll let you out once we're on the train."

"Oh, hello dear, you're up early," Mrs Weasley smiled warmly, placing a plate of pancakes in front of Kiara. Kiara smiled in response. "Are you sleeping properly dear?"

Kiara chewed her pancake slowly, considering her answer. She decided it was better to be truthful. "Um, not really Mrs Weasley. But, I'm alright. I'm sure I'll be sleeping normally soon."

Mrs Weasley frowned as she poured out a glass of juice. "Kiara dear, I'm sure that everything will work out for the best." And Mrs Weasley left the room, knocking on the doors of the other bedrooms upstairs. Kiara sighed, knowing that Mrs Weasley was referring to her and Fred. It was unlikely that she knew her son already moved on. And now it was time for Kiara to do the same.

The journey to King's Cross station was smooth, despite Ginny tripping Ron in front of Fleur to embarrass him. A grim-faced Auror stood closely to Kiara, attempting to conceal her from view and guide her through the station. "Excuse me sir but I am perfectly capable of setting anyone alight. I wouldn't be so concerned about me," Kiara said angrily, glowering at the Auror who immediately stood away from her. Ginny giggled while Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You better get straight on the train, all of you, you've only got a few minutes to go," Mrs Weasley called. "Well, have a lovely term, Ron..."

Ron and Hermione disappeared towards the prefects' carriage whilst Kiara waited for Harry who was hastily talking to Mr Weasley. Kiara pulled her trunk and owl on the train as she held open the door for Harry to run in behind her. "What was that about?"

"I'll tell you in a second..." Harry murmured as people stared at the two through the windows of their compartments. Kiara followed Harry who invited Ginny to find a compartment but she rejected the invitation, explaining that she would meet Dean Thomas. Kiara grabbed his arm as Harry stared at Ginny's retreating back with wide eyes, pulling him towards an empty compartment.

"So... What did you want to tell me?" Kiara questioned, hoisting her trunk into the luggage rack and tucking Shadow's empty cage away.

"Your brother. I think he's a Death Eater, it looked like he was branded with the Dark Mark when we were in Madam Malkin's," Kiara considered this for a moment. Her brother did suspiciously jump away from Madam Malkin when she touched his left arm. "No one else believes me because he's only a sixteen-year-old but..."

"No, it makes sense. Voldemort needs followers and our father is in Azkaban," Kiara said slowly, twirling her wand in her fingertips. "Especially if he's trying to get close to you or I."

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