Ch. 15: One Year Later

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 15: One Year Later

For the following few days, Kiara attempted to resurrect her friendship with Fred while adjusting to life at the Burrow again. Her greatest attempt at doing so was during a pillow fight with George, she purposely threw a pillow at Fred when he walked in the bedroom after a shower. Unluckily, however, Fred scowled and disappeared from the room with a crack. In response, George merely rolled his eyes and declared that his twin brother was a killjoy before resuming the pillow fight.

Kiara was beginning to lose hope. She teased and joked with him on multiple occasions but he simply countered her crudely or ignored her entirely. The old Fred hadn't disappeared though, as he returned to his mischievous and joking mannerisms around the rest of his family. It was only when he was around Kiara that he exposed an unkind and icy attitude.

Honestly, Kiara felt as though she was Draco when she was around Fred.

The nights were even worse than the days. Kiara slept on the mattress on the floor, after numerous arguments with George who politely offered to give up his bed. Throughout the arguments, Fred faced the opposite direction and simply ignored them. Kiara was slightly taken aback by this act; she anticipated Fred to side with his brother to prevent her from sleeping on the floor. Clearly, however, Fred was trying to show that he didn't care about Kiara at all.

After their arguments, Kiara and George spent hours joking or playing Exploding Snap or chess. Occasionally, George would try and engage with Fred when they were laughing about something, usually a past prank that they pulled at Hogwarts. Fred would happily join the conversation with George but he would fall silent when Kiara began talking. It was uncomfortable, in the simplest of words.

It was the fifth night that Kiara was at the Burrow. After an hour of styling each other's hair, the two decided to sleep. Tonight, Fred didn't say a word to either of them, even when George asked him for his opinion of his hairstyle. In response, George fell asleep grumpily with small little ponytails while Kiara lay on the mattress on the floor, staring at the ceiling. The braid that George fumbled to pull together was uncomfortable to sleep with and after a few hours of tossing and turning, she decided to take it out. She glanced at the clock next to George's nightstand that read 1:26 am.

With a sigh, she sat up silently and ran her hands through her hair, combing away any small knots. Her throat was somewhat dry, increasing her insomnia. She crept out of the bedroom quietly and down the stairs to the kitchen. She didn't bother turning on the kitchen light, igniting a small flame in her hands instead to guide herself around the darkness. She poured herself a glass of water and leant against the kitchen sink, sighing heavily.

By now, she thought that she would be friends with Fred again or at least, they would be on talking terms. It was awkward between them but it was causing discomfort for those around them, particularly George, Mrs Weasley and Ginny. The three were attempting to diminish their indifferences.

The door to the kitchen opened with a creak and Kiara moved quickly, her hands both lighting with large flames. The empty glass slipped from her hands and smashed to the ground as she faced the intruder.

"It's me," Fred snapped, raising his hands in defence. His hair was sticking in awkward directions as he scowled at Kiara whose flames disappeared immediately and her eyes turned purple. "I heard a noise and I wanted to check who was down here."

"I'm sorry," Kiara muttered embarrassedly, staring in the opposite direction to Fred. "You scared me, that's all."

"Doesn't mean you have to nearly incinerate me. Again," Fred said coldly, pointing his wand to the smashed glass that mended itself immediately and flew to the sink without any noise. He was referring to when she was possessed by Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic and nearly unleashed her powers on him. Fury overwhelmed her, changing her eyes from purple to red dangerously. She was livid that he would mention that when he knew that she had no control and regretted it.

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