Kiara Riddle

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"Kiara Riddle."


The summer holidays were passing slowly at the Weasley household, the Burrow. Away from everyone, a girl with blonde hair and dark grey-coloured eyes stared blankly at the blue sky as she sat beside a pond behind the Burrow, concealed by reeds and water plants that lay around the edge.

"Kiara, it's time for lunch, dear," Mrs Weasley, a short plump lady with red-hair and a warm smile, called from the entrance of the Burrow.

The girl next to the pond didn't flinch or attempt to respond. Instead, she stared at the clouds that passed over her head, her thoughts elsewhere. Mrs Weasley looked around the garden of the Burrow, unable to spot the girl hidden from view. She sighed, realising that the girl she was looking after, would not be eating yet another meal. Although Kiara spoke to the Weasley's, it was clear to all of them that she was struggling.

Deep down, Kiara was hurting. She was at a loss of who she was and where her heart was. For her whole life, Kiara believed that she was the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, a teenage witch and the twin-sister of Draco Malfoy. In her fifth-year prior to the summer holidays however, her life was flipped upside down as she discovered a range of powers that were given to her by Lord Voldemort who claimed her as her own.

Although her fifth-year turned out to be the worst yet, it also became her best as she fell in love with her best friend, Fred Weasley. Fred showed her true happiness and love, making her smile at every given moment. After she refused to join Voldemort as a loyal Death Eater however, she nearly killed Fred with her elemental powers. It was an incident that she wouldn't have been able to live with if she killed her best friend and boyfriend. As a result, Kiara left Fred broken-hearted at King's Cross station when she broke up with him at the start of the summer holidays.

Fred's crushed face haunted Kiara's dreams every night. Even worse though, were the dreams where Fred was murdered in a flash of green light that came from Kiara's own wand. Most nights, she woke up in tears, quivering with fear, unknown to the rest of the those sleeping inside the Burrow.

In the distance, Kiara heard footsteps drawing nearer, causing her to look behind her at the familiar face of Ginny Weasley, who was staring down at her curiously. "Mum asked me to come looking for you. She's worried because you didn't eat dinner last night either."

"Tell her not to worry, I'm just not hungry," Kiara replied, rolling a small charm in between her fingertips. Ginny's gaze fell onto the charm, noticing the golden leaf and understanding why her friend was next to the pond in the first place.

For Christmas, Fred gave Kiara a golden bracelet that represented a vine and grew charms for significant events or people in your life. After Kiara's breakup with Fred, the charm for their relationship and friendship disconnected from the bracelet. Ever since, Kiara held onto it, staring at it constantly as if it would fill the hole in her heart.

"He still loves you Kiara," Ginny whispered. Kiara sighed, pocketing the golden charm as she stood up. After the first few days of the summer, Kiara explained everything to Ginny, from the incident at the Department of Mysteries, to the prophecy between her and Voldemort and breaking up with Fred. Ginny was saddened, clearly adoring the fact that her older brother was dating her best friend. In her mind, there was no other couple more perfect for each other than Fred and Kiara. She attempted to convince Kiara otherwise, that Fred could still be safe but the arguments were futile. Voldemort could force Kiara to join him by hurting or killing Fred. Both girls knew that while Voldemort was around, no one was safe.

"He'll move on from me one day. And hopefully, he'll be safe," Kiara murmured, staring at the pond. The idea of Fred with another woman hurt Kiara but if he was safe and happy, then nothing else mattered.

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