Chapter 1

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hi i hope you enjoy this book <3 and I decided that Tommy is half flower

Karl's pov

Guards were around me bringing me to a cell.
I knew I shouldn't have told my friend that I am a hybrid. Now me and my brother are in this asylum. It's all my fault why didn't I do what Dream told me.

I was pushed into a cell with four beds. I quickly turned around and saw the guard closing the cell or room or whatever this is.
I walked up to the door and looked through the little window. The guard on the other side of the door said that my roommates are coming after dinner.
I sat on one of the bottom beds and waited for my roommates to come. After 20 minutes i heard the door open. I looked up from the book i was reading and watched as four boys walked in. They all looked at me and then a blond boy that was looking like a flower said " Who the f*ck are you?"

sorry for the short chapter i try and to make the next one really long :)

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