chapter 4

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hope you enjoy!!

Sapnap's pov

I saw the boy I met earlier walk in our cell. I looked confused to him until I saw Phil coming out of the room we sleep in with a suitcase. I guess they switch rooms, i wonder why but I kind of wanted Karl here to get to know him more. I barrely spoke to him when we were in the communication (i think thats not how you spell it) room.

Karl's pov

I walked in and saw Sapnap looking at me, I was a bit confused where what was but sapnap walked to me and asked if I needed help. I gladly said yes please. He laughed a little bit, I felt my face heat up a bit but i didn't think much of it so I followed Sapnap to the room with the bunk beds. I thanked him and started to unpack my things. After some minutes I was finished with unpacking, at this moment when I finished I heard the front door open and Dream and George walked in the cell/ apartment. I looked up to Sapnap who was litelary watching me unpack my things while he laid in the top bunk bed. Then he jumped off to talk to George and Dream.

Dream's pov

I saw my brother look up to Sapnap who was currently laying in the top bunk bed, It looks like Karl was just finished with unpacking his things. Then Sapnap jumped off of the bunkbed and walked up to us do talk to us probaply.

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