Chapter 13

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one question should Sapnap and Karl be together before or after the escape? I really need to know, anyway hope you enjoy this chapter!! oh and thank you for over 2k readers <3

Karl's pov

Today was the day, me and dream are planning to tell the others about our plan. We were currently all in our apartment, I'm suprissed that everyone fit into the apartment. It was kind of full but we all could easily walk around without pushing others. After all of us finished talking dream said that he and me want to share something. I slowly walked to him and looked nervous into the group. "You all probably wonder why we called everyone here, it's simple we want to escape and because every room is being securet beside our apartments we wanted to tell you our plan here" dream explained. It was silents until Phil said "Ok go on what's the plan". Dream looked at me so i could explain the plan. "It's simple we explored here more and know where the cameras can't see us, we saw a big window on the roof that always open, and we would fit perfektly through it without being seen by the cameras." I wanted to continue when Tommy interupt me "But not all of us have wings, our the ability to fly". "Yeah that's why we wanted to ask how many of us can fly or have wings and the one who can't fly will be carried through the window". It seems like Phil, me, dream, tubbo and Bbh have wings and can fly, Punz and Wilbur have the ability to fly and Niki,Ranboo, Big Q, Jschlatt, Eret, Sapnap, George, Tommy,Fundy and Techno couldn't fly or they don't have wings.(srr if i forgot someone) Ok that would make 7 people inclucing me and dream that can fly and 10 persons who can't. "Maybe three of us can carry two persons and the others carry one person" Tubbo said to us. "That's a good plan tubbo, but who will all cary two persons?" dream said.

After some decusion

Karl's pov

Now Wilbur, Phil and Punz are carrying two persons, like phil will be taking Techo and eret, Wilbur will cary Fundy and Ranboo and Punz will cary Jschlatt and Quackity. Me and the others will cary one person. Now is just the question when we escape. Phil said maybe in 1 month after everyone is done with the scientist test because then it wouldn't be to noticeable. After everyone went to there apartments, Me and Sapnap went into the living room. "So that's why you two avoided us so often and weren't here so often" Sapnap said. I nodded , i feeled guilty because i didn't told Sapnap what we were doing. I think he knew that I was guilty because he wrapped two arms around me and hugged me "hey you don't need to be guilty, its okay" he whispered into my ear. Suddenly we were interupt by someone clearing their throat, we looked at the direction were the sound came from and saw dream and george standing in the door frame smirking. I started blushing not because they saw us but because i realised our position, I was on Sapnap's lap and my face was on his shoulder while he had his arms around me and his head was resting on top of my head.

Sapnap's pov

I looked to dream and george to see them smirking at us. Then i looked down at Karl he was blushing. Awww his blush is cute, I wonder if i could make him blush more. Wait what omg what did i just think maybe I don't have just a crush on Karl, I think I'm in love with him.


sorry for the short chapter im sick so yeah, im sorry for the mistakes and have a great day/night!

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