chapter 11

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hi in this chapter it will be revaeled what Karl and dream are hope you all enjoy

Sapnap's pov

When Karl felt asleep, I felt something on his back it felt like wings. I looked down to Karl and saw a tail but not some tail a dragon tail.My eyes widened no wonder they didn't show us what their are. Dragon hybrids are like extremly rare, especially when they have a tail like a demon but just some people can see the difference between them. I was amazed that Karl was a hybrid dragon, I wonder how his wings looks like.

at 6 am

Karl's pov

I woke up to see Sapnap sleeping, while wrapping his arms around me. I blushed madly at this, but i didn't mind cuddling with him, I think i have more then a crush on him. Suddenly I realised that my tail was visible, I started panicing what if he saw my tail and knows now what i am, would he think im a monster, would he.... i felt tears streaming down my face, i couldn't breath normally it felt like i was about to die. I couldn't hear anything neither did i see anything, I just heared ringing in my ears. It all went black.

pov 3

Karl fainted because of the stress and the panic attack. Sapnap woke up because he heard crying, he saw Karl he tried to call out to him and calm him but the poor boy infront of him didn't seem to hear or see him. Sapnap was panicing he didn't know what he should do, after Karl fainted, he wrapped his arm around the shorter boy to keep him safe. He wouldn't let go of the boy until he woke up again. Dream and George just woke up, they got ready and when they got to the livingroom to see Sapnap and Karl, Karl seemed to be sleeping and Sapnap was whid awake and had his arms wrapped around the boy. Dream and George looked at eachother confused, it seems like something happened. Then they all heard shuffling and a tired Karl opened his eyes, he had puffy red eyes. Now Dream rushed over to Karl and asked him what had happened.

Karl's pov

Dream came running to me and asked what happened and i whispered to him what happenend


sorry for the short chapter im not so motivated today and im really tired.

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