chapter 17

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hii im back :) thank you guys for now over 8k readers i didn't think my story would get this much readers anyways hope you enjoy this chapter!!

two days later

Karl's pov

I was now for two days blind or three I don't know it's really hard to know which time it is, but I'm glad that i can now come around the house without Sapnap's help. He was really stressed lately and so I don't want to bother him that much. Anyways I was just walking around in the house. Until i heard the doorbell ring, I walked to the door and tried to search for the doorknob as i finally found it i opened the door. I didn't know who was standing in front of me so I said hi so the person standing in front of me would say something. As they said hi back i knew it was Dream and George because i heard two voices one of them was Dream and the other was 100% George. I went to the side to let them come in. I called for Sapnap that dream and George are here. After one minute I heard him walking down and wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me into a hug. Then he whispered into my ear if we should tell them that I'm blind for who knows how long. I shrugged with my shoulders and just leant into his touch. I whispered to him back that if we tell them than he should tell them because i didn't want to.

Sapnap's pov

I looked down to Karl when he whispered his answer, then I looked to dream and George, they were currently siting on the couch and were talking. So I grabbed Karl's hand and went with him into the living room to tell them his situation.

time skip after Sapnap told them

still Sapnap's pov

Dream and George looked shocked at me and then Karl who was spacing out. I'm really worried for him he was quieter then normally since he came back blind. I hope Phil is coming back soon. "So, Karl is blind because of an odd potion and Phil is searching for thinks for the potion who gives him back his ability to see?" Dream asked. I just nodded. After that we all went out with Karl. Me and him were holding hands the whole time. But when Karl has his eyesight (?) back i will surprise him with something. I already planned it with dream and George when I wasn't home the day where Karl was by phil.

I wanted to ..... (what should the suprise be any ideas?)

Karl's pov

We all had fun together but i noticed that Sapnap has gone quiet for some time but then he joined into our conversation again. Maybe he was just thinking of something idk I can't see his face so i can't see his expression. It's really hard to know what emotions others have when you can't see their expression. After what felt like minuets me and Sapnap were back home. I was kind of scared of being alone so i asked Sapnap if we can cuddle. He just wrapped his arms around me and went to the couch and then we started cuddling in silence. Neither of us wanted this moment to end it was comfortable and peaceful but after a while I started to drived of to sleep even though I didn't want to. But I still felt asleep.

??? pov

I looked through the window and saw them cuddling how disgusting. Just you wait Karl I will get you and make your life a living hell.


sorry for the mistakes, hope you all have a great day/night :)

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