chapter 21

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hii I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

the next day

Karl's pov

5up and Fundy are nice to hang out with and today there learning all of us who can't transform into their full form how to do it. I'm excited how everyone will look like in their full form, I know Sapnap's full form is a wolf with orange eyes.

(thats how Sapnap looks like in his full form)

At the moment we all were on a huge field to learn it but we didn't start yet because George slept in and we still wait for him

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At the moment we all were on a huge field to learn it but we didn't start yet because George slept in and we still wait for him.

George's pov

I just woke up because I remembered that two from cogchamp wanted to teach us how to transform into our full forms. I just come to it to see if I can control my transportation. So now I was running there as fast as I could. I hope their waited for me.

Karl's pov

After ten minutes George finally arrived, we started.

(5up) "Ok everyone, can we start now?"

(everyone) "Yeah"

(fundy) "So to transform into your full form you need to imagin yourself as this animal or something else. Lets start with Tubbo"

Tubbo's pov

I was nervous because I was the first one to try it, So I did what they told us. I closed my eyes and imagined myself as a bee. After some seconds I opened my eyes again to see everything bigger as normally. Then Fundy said "congratulation tubbo you got it and to transform back you need to imagine yourself in your hybrid form." After he said that I did what he said and now I saw everything normally again. Fundy gave me a thump up.

(Fundy) Ok good job Tubbo next we go with ....

When it was Karl's turn

Karl's pov

I imagine myself as a dragon and when I opened my eyes everyone was smaller, that was a weird feeling being taller than the others. Everyone looked at me with amazed eyes. Tommy and Tubbo yelled in synchrony "WOW SO COOL". Then I transform back into my hybrid form, and Fundy gave me like everyone else a thumps up and a closed eyes smile.(this is what he lookes

like in his full form but his flames are a cyan blue)

like in his full form but his flames are a cyan blue)

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(and this is Dream's full form but with white eyes)

(and this is Dream's full form but with white eyes)

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After everyone learnt how to transform

Sapnap's pov

I was at home the whole time they all learnt to transform into their full forms because I wanted to make the food and I already knew how to transform. Where Karl was blind, I learned how to cook for us so now I cook every day for me and Karl and now for Fundy and 5up too.

After 2 hour they finally arrived, I prepared the food on the Table and went to the hallway to be greeted by a hug by Karl. I quickly hugged back after some seconds he looked up at me, I took that chance to give him a quick kiss on the lips. He started blushing which I found really cute. Anyway, after our little moment we all sat down, and they told me about everyone's full form. Then Karl told me that he would show me later because after lunch we need to go to Phil because he's going to but the potion over our village and the forest which wasn't a small forest, it was huge.

After Lunch at phil's house (sorry for the many time skips)

3rd pov

(Phil) "Ok everyone I need to fly around our village plus the forest to get the spell to work ".

Phil quickly got his wings out and started to fly away. While he did so everyone started to talk with each other. But after just 10 minutes Phil came back and told some weird words while he opened the potion. The liquid in the potion became smoke and went exact the way where Phil was flying. Then for a split second the whole village and forest sky was pink, then it went normal again.

(Phil) It worked, we are safe from the guards and the scientist and every other human.

Karl's pov

I looked around to see that everyone was happy, I was glad that our village can now life in peace without the fear of being found from the guards.

I quickly took Sapnap's arm and ran with him in the forest, to a huge flower field. I looked at it, it was really beautiful. "Wow, it's beautiful here, wait a minute Karl, I'm going to quickly bring something here, be right back" Sapnap said. I nodded and went to the huge tree that was in the middle of the flower field, I picked some flowers and started to make two flower crowns, one for me and one for Sapnap.

Sapnap's pov

I quickly run to our house and got a picnic blanket with a picnic basket in it was food. I planned a date there it was as something clicked in my head when we got there. So now I was running back when I arrived, I saw Karl under the tree, that looked like it had been here for many years.

3rd pov

The two boys were there for two hours not wanting to leave or anything. It was for both of them the second date they had. Then Karl remembered that he wanted to show Sapnap his full form so he got up and transformed into it. Sapnap looked at him in amaze, when Karl turned back, he sat down beside Sapnap and laid his head on Sapnap's shoulder. After another hour it was already starting to get dark. They decided to go home but when they opened the door, they were shocked what they saw.


sorry for the mistakes and I hope you all have a great day/night ^^

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