chapter 10

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hii did anyone see dream's stream, i was so happy when i saw that he was live again, hope you all enjoy this chapter

Karl's pov

I looked at the three people infront of me, i didn't want to tell dream that i can't turn into my human form infront of the other two but i knew if i didn't tell him he wouldn't stop asking me. So i asked sapnap and george if they could leave the room for some minutes. They nodded and walked out of the room. Then I looked back at dream and told him what happened. "So to get this clear they infected you with something, what caused you to lose the ability to transform into your human form." I nodded, then he said that the scientist will probably infect everyone with it so we need to plan something or else we can't go to the public when we ever leave this place. After I told him that we, went to the others, to the living room to watch a movie until one of them is going to have there scientist test.

Dream pov

I was shocked as i heard from Karl that he couldn't turn into his human form, i din't think that scientist could make something like that. So now we were watching a movie. After one movie two guards came to get me to my scientist test. I know that they will infect me too with that thing. I just don't know how to hide it when i come back.

Sapnap's pov

After dream left i looked at Karl and George, we sat there for three minutes just staring at eachother until I broke the silent and said" So are you and dream together, George". George began blushing, me and Karl laughed at this. "I knew it, you like my brother, you should confess to him, he totally likes you back" Karl said. George looked at him and the at me he smirked and said " and when are you two starting dating?". I blushed and saw that Karl was as red as a tomato. "Ha got you two" George said laughing.


The three boys were all talking for the rest of the time, forgetting that dinner time already passed. Meanwhile dream got to the same thing as Karl, they infedted him and mede some other tests then they let him go back to the apartment.

George's pov

It was currently 8pm, i was worried, because dream left for 1 hour and he still hasn't come back. Anyway Karl and Sapnap were talking to each other, where we all talked I saw something sticking out of Karl's oversized hoodie it kind of looked like a tail but i probably just imagine it. Some minutes flew by and the door open, dream came in and walked to the bedroom quickly, i wonder why he ran to the bedroom. But i saw that he came out again with a hoodie on, so he probably just changed.


Karl's pov

It was again a sleepless night for me, I just couldn't bring myself to. I wanted to ask sapnap if he could cuddle with me but i thnik he would thing i was weird if i ask him that. So i layed white awake in my bed. I looked around to see if everyone was sleeping so i could sneak into the living room and watch something on netflix. Probably charlotte, i started it before we got here. I sneaked out and watched from the begining. As that boys sister activated her ability i started crying, it was a really emotinal moment. Suddenly I felt someone sit down next to me I looked to my right to see Sapnap " You didn't sleep again or?" He asked I nodded, then he wrapped an arm around me and he let me put my head on his shoulder, we watch some more of the anime i was watching until i finally fell asleep.


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