chapter 19

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hii hope you all enjoy this chapter ^^

Karl's pov

After everyone arrived, we all just played some games and ate something, some were being chaotic, and the others were just chilling and talking to each other. Like me I was just talking to Ranboo about what we did and such because we rarely ever had time to meet and hang out with each other the past few weeks. He told me that Nikki had opened a bakery and that he finally got his two personalities to help him and not to fight with him over stupid things. After we talked about 1-hour Sapnap came to us and he told me that he wanted to show me something. I said bye to Ranboo and followed Sapnap. We were walking for about 10 minutes until we arrived at a hill where you could see the beautiful night sky it was beautiful. Sapnap sat down and patted the seat next to him for me to sit. After we started at the sky for some minutes he said "Karl, I know we aren't that long together, but I really want us to be together until we die and that's why I got us promise rings, I know it's no wedding ring, but I think it's too early for us to marry and because of that I thought it would be a good idea to get promise rings." I was shocked and happy, when he put one of the promise rings on my finger, I quickly pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back we were in this position for a few minutes until he pulled away and kissed me, I slowly melted into his kiss.

Dream's pov

I looked outside of the window and saw Karl and Sapnap kissing on the hill, I'm really happy for him. I hope Sapnap takes good care of him, I don't want that Karl has to experience a heart break again. I was pulled back into reality when george came up to me and asked if I was okay. I nodded and pointed to the two on the hill. I saw George's eyes lit up and he asked me if Sapnap finally gave Karl the promise ring and I nodded.

Sapnap's pov

Me and Karl were still on the hill just enjoying each other's company and the sight of the stars. I'm really happy about what just happened. After a while we decided to head back because we both were tired and just wanted to get some sleep. When we arrived, we asked Techno if we could sleep in a spare bedroom. He nodded and pointed to a door, Karl quickly rushed into the room, me following him. After that we just fall on the bed, got under the sheets and cuddled until we both fell asleep.


sorry for the short chapter hope you all have a great day/night ^^ and sorry for the mistakes

oh and this is how the promise rings looks like

oh and this is how the promise rings looks like

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