chapter 5

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did you all see the epic stream where dream,Techno and Phil destroied L'manberg O.o hope you enjoy the chapter!!

few weeks later

Karl's pov

Today was my first scientist test, i'm really scared they probably try to get me to show my form. I'm lucky that they don't know what hybrid and what range me and my brother are. When I told my friend that I was a hybrid I didn't tell him what I am. But that doesn't matter anymore, I heard the door open and three guards walked in. One of them walked up to me and grabed me. It was hurtfull because the one who grabed me was really strong. After some walking we were infront of a door, on the door is a sign where stands "do not enter". We walked in and what I saw was a white room with a glass wall. Behind the glass wall were three humans with white coats, they are probably the scientists. I want to go back do dream and the others its terrifying, the white room and how small it is. I tried to run back to the door before it could close but I was to slow. I looked up as I heard a voice say " test 1 now". The first test was just them question me to tranform or they would do it in the hard way. I reffused even though I was scared like hell what they would do to me. A guard came into the room and put something on my neck.I looked at it and noticed that it was a collar but not a normal collar, No it was a shock collar. My eyes widened as they turned it on, I was screaming for help and begging them to stop, but they didn't. I was about to give up but a voice rang through the room "time up, next one". I was glad that it was over. They brought me back to my cell, I didn't see dream, george or Sapnap in it. I was scared when the guards left, I had a burn mark on my neck, I'm crying, it hurted so much. I went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. I wrapped a bandage around my neck and got a scarf to hide it from Dream and the others. Some minutes later i looked at the clock and saw that it was Lunch time. So I went to the cafeteria, I saw that everyone was already there and getting food. I went up to the cafeteria women and got my food, then I walked around to find a place to sit and eat in peace.

Dream's pov

I saw Karl walking around , looking for a place to sit. I waved at him so he would come to our table. He saw me and came here, as he sat down beside Sapnap I saw that he was wearing a scarf, Why is he wearing a scarf, he never wears any scarfs. I wanted to ask Karl about the scarf but I saw how much fun he had talking to Sapnap, so i decided to ask him when we are back at our cell apartment.

Karl's pov

I was talking to Sapnap we were telling jokes to each other, once or twice George joined in with the joking but then he went back to speak to dream. Then I realised something both of them were blushing, oh now I know whats going on by these two. I smirked im totally annoying dream with that. After a while of me and Sapnap talking, I finished eating my food. So we all went to our cell, as we got there dream pulled me into the living room. I looked confused up to him but his face was dead serious.

"Karl, why do you wear a scarf?"


still cant believe that L'manberg is gone

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