chapter 16

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ok so the blind one won, also neither of those option would be permanent, i forgot to mention it in the vote chapter so but he will be blind for some chapters^^ anyways hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Phil's pov

I heard a loud thud and some glas falling to the ground, my first reaction was to look if Karl was okay. I ran to the room where Karl was and saw him passed out on the floor and an empty potion next to him. Sh*t i don't know what this potion could do to him the best is to lay him some where comfy and to wait until he wakes up. I hope he is ok.

one hour later

Karl's pov

I woke up, but everything was pitch black, maybe the lights were out and it's night. I stand up and tried to find the light switch when i felt the light switch i turned it on but i still couldn't see anything, suddenly i heard someone say "Karl, are you ok, you just turned the lights out" I kind of recognise this voice i thing it's phil "Phil? are you that?" the voice answered "yeah Karl, you look directly at me, wait can't you see me?" I shake my head, i heard Phil rush to me. "let me look, maybe it was a blind potion" I think Phil looked at my eyes i don't know i didn't see him or anything ,everything is just black. "Umm Karl, it isn't a normal blind potion, i need to make a potion that gives you back your ability to see, but it would take awhile until i get everything. Do you think you could manage without seeing anything for awhile?" I nodded and he said that he would tell the others that i couldn't see, but i shook my head i didn't want the others to know that. I think he understood that i didn't want the others to know because he helped me to the door and said "ok so i will help you home but promise me that you wont leave the house without Sapnap or Dream, you don't need to tell them why but pls don't go outside without help you will get lost." I said that i won't go out without anyone else with me than i felt Phil grap me He started to walk ,after some time of me and him walking in silents, he stopped walking and said that we were here. I thanked him and managed to find the door without help, I waved ,i dont know if I really waved to phil or not but i don't care i just want to lay down somewhere.

Phil's pov

I saw Karl waving at the tree beside his house, but i know that he waved to me. After he closed the door i walked back to my house to find the recept to the potion that would get back Karl's sight (idk). After some hours i finally found it i need really rare stuff, that will probably take a while. I'll probably need to pack things i will need more days to go to the place i need to go.

Sapnap's pov

As i got home i saw Karl sleeping on the floor, i was a bit confused why he was sleeping on the floor but i didn't think much about it. I walked up to him and picked him bridal style up and carried him to our bedroom to lay him in our bed. After i did that I kissed his forehead and went to make dinner for us. I was pretty proud of the food i made it wasn't burned and it smelled good. After I got the pancakes i made ,on two plates, I heard Karl calling me. So i went on my way to the bedroom.

Karl's pov

I woke up and I think I was in bed, i remember falling on the floor, i was to tired to try and find the bedroom so i sleeped on the floor and the only reason why i woke up in bed would be that Sapnap came home and carried me to our bed. So i called out for Sapnap to come. After some seconds i heard the door open i looked where i guess that Sapnap would be. "umm Karl im not there im next to you" he said confused. I felt his hand on my shoulder and looked now in this direction. "Karl, what happened to your eyes?" Sapnap aked confused. I knew i needed to tell him or i wouldn't get around our house so i explained to him what happened, i couldn't make out his reaction, i was a bit nervous and started playing with my sleeves of my hoodie. "So you're blind until Phil makes the potion to get your sight again" Sapnap toldI nodded, then i was pulled into a hug "I will help you to get around our house and the village if you want to go outside" he told me before helping me to the kitchen. He also helped me by feeding me the pancakes he made, they were delicious. After this all we went together up into our bedroom then we got into the bed and went to sleep


sorry for the mistakes^^

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