chapter 8

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hope you all enjoy!!

Karl's pov

I turned quickly around, to see Sapnap standing in the door frame of the living room. I didn't answer him i just looked away from him so he wouldn't see the bags under my eyes. I heard him walk over to me, he sat down beside me and said in a soft voice" Karl can you look at me please?". I still didn't look at him, then i felt him come closer. He softly turned my head with his hand on my chin. I felt  my face  getting hotter as he looked down at me. I didn't dare to look him in the eyes or i would probably get lost in them. "Karl?, i ask you one more time why arent you sleeping?" Sapnap said. I felt tears falling down my face as i remembered the nightmares. "shhh everythings okay" sapnap said in a quite voice while pulling me into his hands. He continued to whisper sweet thinks until i felt asleep.

Sapnap's pov

I looked at Karl as he slept in my arms, he looked cute. As i realized what i though i blushed madly and looked away from Karl but still I wonder why he began crying. I just hope he's okay.

some hours later at 7 am

Dream's pov

I walked out of the bedroom with george, we walked into the living room to see.. Sapnap and Karl sleeping. Karl was in sapnap's arms, Sapnap head was on Karl's head . I glared at Sapnap i swear if he hurts my little brother i will kill him. I looked at george to see that he wasn't standing there anymore. I looked around but didn't see him, then i looked at the ground to see a brown cat next to me. "George, are you ok, you just turn into a cat when your really happy?" I saw the George nodding at me and pointed to the two on the couch. "You shipped them or did you?" I said to George. Who was nodding really fast. I laughed and muttered "cute". 

Sapnap's pov

I woke up just to see Dream and george in his cat form when dream noticed me looking at them. He said that i should wake up Karl so we could get ready and go to the cafetaria to eat breakfast. I did as he told me too and now we were sitting on a table with ranboo and Niki. They were both half enderman but suprisingly just ranboo has two personalitys. They both were talking to Karl while me, Dream and george talked about random thinks.


i wanted to write more but I had a math lesson online so i couldn't continue writing and now my motivation is gone sorry, next chapter will probably be out tomorrowhope you all have a great day/night.

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