chapter 14

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so most of you wanted that Sapnap and karl come together before or while the escaping so i will make it like they confese to eachother while the escaping thank you for the help also someone commented that wilbur should be a spirit or a ghost so now he's like half ghost^^ hope you all enjoy this chapter (and i forgot skeppy i will add him now just ignore that from the chapter before this that i forgot him he was always there)

Karl's pov 

Today was the day we were escaping this asylum, we all waited until it was night because at this time all the guards were asleep that was really weird, i mean arent they worried that someone can just sneak out, nevermind. After some time it was time to meet up with the others.  We saw the others and went to them I was really nervous, Sapnap knew that somehow and started holding my hand i would blush if i wasn't so nervous. 

pov 3

They all went into the communiation room where the window was and it was open like always. At the beginning Tubbo flew through the window with tommy, then Wilbur and the two he was carrying and so all came through now is just Sapnap and Karl left. Karl got his wings out and held Sapnaps hand thighter than before,then he flew up. They all got safely out of the window, when suddenly a alarrm  set off. Everyone panicked. Dream said that everyone who can fly grab the one they carried and fly away. They all did so but suddenly a shot was heard. Karl was shot in one of his wings he felt the pain. He and Sapnap crashed on the floor. "Karl!" Sapnap yelled. "I-Im f-fine Sap" Karl stuttert out. They both didn't know what do to Karl couldn't fly anymore with his injury. Suddenly they were sourronded by the guards, Sapnap was growling at them, they had guns, it didn't seem like they wanted to bring them back alive. 

Karls pov

I started crying i didn't want to die, I didn't want to leave the others. "Karl, when we don't make it out alive i want you to know I love you, i love you more then anything." Before i could reply he leaned in he kissed me. First I was shock but then I slowly kissed back. "I love you too Sappy" I whispered to him as we pulled apart and right when they wanted to shot us. We were lifted of the ground by someone. But i didn't notice anything else because i passed out because of the stress and the pain. 

some weeks later

still Karl's pov

I woke up in a bed, I looked around to see my injured wing was bandagged. I was confused at first but then i remembered what had happened, Sapnap and i confesed to eachother in a death situation then wait a minute. Sapnap confessed to me and we kissed. I felt my face heat up,  i can't believe that Sapnap likes/loves me back. The door opened and dream came in, he looked really sad as he saw that i was awake his face lid up "Karl your finally awake" I looked confused at him he noticed and explained that i was in a coma for 2 weeks. I was shocked it didn't feel like i was in a coma infact it feels like it all hapened yesterday. "Where are we?" I asked dream, "We are in a abandont village, we kind of rebuilted somethings not everything though and now its like our village" dream explained to me. Suddenly Sapnap rushed in and when he saw me he run to me and hugged me "Thanks god your awake, I though i lost you" he whispered. Then he kissed me, i slowly melted into the kiss it was diferent as our last kiss, i felt thousand of fireworks explode in my stomach. This kiss helded long, we slowly pulled away panting, Sapnap smiled at me and asked me if i wanted to be his boyfriend. I nodded hapyly. Then dream cleared his throat, we both looked at him and started laughing akwardly. Then before he left  he said that when Sapnap hurted me he would kill him. 


im not finished with this story yet ;) sorry for the mistakes 

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