chapter 18

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hii so most of you wanted marriage as suprise but it's a bit to early for that so i also red a comment who said that the suprise should be promise rings and i think im gonna to that, also this chapter is the last chapter where Karl is blind, hope you all enjoy this chapter

Phil's pov

I just got back with the things i needed for the potion, now I just needed to make the potion and give it to Karl. I quickly rushed to my house and went into my labor to make the potion. After 2 hours I was finished, it was currently 2 am so I will visit Karl at 9am.

7 hours later

Karl's pov

I heard the doorbell ring and went to get it on my way I pumped into the wall. I was a bit confused because I though there wasn't a wall but as it seems there was a wall. After what felt like hours, I opened the door. "Oh, hi Karl „My face lit up I knew that it was Phil. I quickly let him in and went as good as I can to the living room. "I see you can get around without help in yours and Sapnap's house" Phil said. I nodded and after we talked a bit, he gave me the potion. I drank it quickly, it really tasted terrible. After I drank it nothing happened for some seconds but then my eyesight got slowly back at first, I saw everything blurry than it got clearer every seconds. As I saw again, I quickly hid my face because of the light, oh how much i missed to see everything. I looked at Phil and thanked him. After some hours Phil left and now, I was alone, Sapnap went to Dream to disgused something, I think. Suddenly I heard a knock. I was confused and went to the door, I looked out of the window beside the door and saw someone with a black hoodie. I got scared because I didn't see who that was and nobody from us would let the hood on when they knock or ring the bell from any house. I didn't open the door; I ran up the stairs and locked myself in the bedroom. I heard the door break open, I started to hold my breath when I heard "I'm gonna find you Karl, you can't hide forever and when I find you, I will bring you back from where you escaped." the voice said. It sounded familiar but I couldn't order the voice to any person. I keep thinking while that person was downstairs probably making a mess to find me. Suddenly something ring in my head, I knew who that was, it was my friend who got me into that asylum. I was scared I knew what he can do. I heard a knock on the bedroom door "I know you're in there come out" he said. I wish Sapnap was here, but I didn't know when he's coming back. I got into the closet and hid behind some cartons. I heard the door break and heard him searching. As he came to the closet it seemed like time had stopped. I couldn't move or anything I was too scared of my ex-friend.

Sapnap's pov

I just came home to see the door on the floor, I was confused but when I came in and saw the mess. I knew that something was wrong I quickly turned into my full wolf form and went upstairs to see a stranger who was about to open the closet. I growled at him, he freezes and turned around, now he was face to face with me. He was about to run out of the room, but I jumped at him. what I didn't expect is that he was knocked out. After that I heard sobs in the closet, I knew it was Karl, so I quickly turned into my hybrid form and opened the closed, I was met with cartons and a crying Karl in the closet. I went to him and hugged him he quickly turned to me and sobbed into my shoulder. We sat there for a while but then we got up and tied the stranger with a rope so he couldn't flee. I looked to Karl and saw that he was looking at the stranger with fear that's when I noticed that Karl could see again. I was happy, I can give him what I wanted to give him but for now I let him recover, I will probably give him the promise ring on a date that I planned for one day.

Karl's pov

I looked at my ex-friend and I felt something else as just fear, I felt hatred towards him. Then Sapnap asked me if I knew him, so I told him who that was. I saw Sapnap glaringat Brian (idk), but the question is what to we to with him. Then we heardsomeone yell from downstairs " What the f*ck happened here" I knew itwas Tommy because Dream wouldn't yell, he would run upstairs and see if we wereokay.

Tommy's pov

I just yelled because of the mess in Sapnap's and Karl's house, but then I just went upstairs to see them staring at me and behind them was a stranger tied up on the floor. I looked confused at them and then at the stranger. "Umm yes Tommy what to you want" Karl asked. "Ok first I wanted to invite you two for the party that me and Techno planned for today and second Who the f*ck is that?" They both looked at each other and then at the stranger. "We accept the invite for the party and to you know by any chance if someone has a cell in their basement?" I stopped asking who that was and just said that Techno had one. So Sapnap got that dude and dragged him all the way to techno. When we arrived Sapnap gave Techno the stranger and said to put him in the cell. Techno nodded and went into the basement to put the stranger there.

Karl's pov

It was kind of awkward when we walked to Techno, Tommy looked confused, Sapnap looked like he would murder Brian in some point and I just followed behind them silently. So, after Techno came back from the basement, Sapnap calmed down and went to me. We talked for a bit about somethings and just waited for the others to arrive.


Wow i never wrote this long but anyway hope you all have a great day/night and sorry for the mistakes

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