chapter 7

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hi i will for now one i won't be writing cell, i just go by apartment. hope you enjoy and sorry for the mistakes!

Sapnap's pov

I looked at Karl, he was sitting on the floor and just starring at our door. Dream was now gone for 1 hour, he would be back in a few minutes, i think. I went to sit down beside Karl and try to cheer him up, but nothing seemed to work. So we all hust sat in silents, until we heard the front door open. Karl got quickly up and ran out of the room we were currently in. Me and George were following him and saw that dream was back. He didn't seem like the scientist injured him, but he looked pissed. I wonder what the scientist told him.

Dream's pov

I was f*cking pissed, the scientist threatened me, they would hurt Karl more as they already did if i didn't told them what we were. So now they know what we are and what rang we have. I looked down at Karl, who was hugging me.

some hours later

3rd pov

Everyone at the asylum was sleeping, beside of one person, Karl. Karl couldn't sleep since he came here he had nightmares every night. Infact he was scared to go to sleep just to face them. In the nightmares he would see his and dream's mom's death, over and over again. He just couldn't watch her die again, he always blamed himself for her death. She died because of a car crash. Karl was with her in the car, he was currently nine years old. He asked his mom when they were home, so he could play with Dream. But as his mom wanted to answer him a truck crashed into them, Karl saw how she died, he saw her eyes fall back, he saw the blood, he saw everythig.

Karl's pov

I couldn't stay in bed or i would fall asleep, I stand up and went to the living room to distract me from how tired I was. I always hid my backs with make up, so dream or the others wouldn't find out that i didn't sleep, but i rather not sleep then remember that day. So i sat on the couch and though about what i could do. Suddenly i heard

"Karl, why are you still up?"


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