chapter 20

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hii hope you all enjoy this chapter and also it was a succestion from @gay_frogs and @ItsjustAz ^^

Fundy's pov

I was walking around with my village cogchamp, we were all tired of running, the guards had found our village. We escaped but now we have nowhere to stay. Suddenly 5up stopped and I run straight into him. We both fell on the floor and laughed. "Sorry 5up" I said, and he said that it was okay but look what's that. I looked at what he was pointing, my eyes widen there was a village. Me and 5up said to the others that they should hide here and wait for us because we were checking out what in this village is. Me and 5up both got into our full forms and sneaked into the village. We didn't see anybody until we saw a house where the door was broken, there were many people and two people probably explained what happened to the door. 5up and I went closer to them to listen into the conversation, we still hadn't a clear sight so we could see them, but we heard them.

???, "So, you are saying that stranger that Techno has in his basement was the friend that told the scientist about you and dream?"

???, " Yeah, he came back, but I don't think he told the guards our location ".

???, " Well, that's a good moment to tell you all that I'm nearly done with the potion, I added to it that just hybrids can find our village and all that is our territoritum is hidden too from them ".

Mine and 5up's eyes widen there were hybrids here. We both went back to the others and told them that there were other hybrids. Then my mind drove back to the name that the stranger said. Is it really Dream, i hope when they help us that it doesn't get awkward between us. We all got into our hybrid forms and went into the village, but then we were stopped by a pig hybrid. "Stop, who are you and what to you want" he said. We told him that we needed help from their village. He nodded and told us to follow him. We did so and after a while we were at the house where we heard the conversation. All eyes were on us until some child asked, "Who the f*ck are they?" "AYE LANGUAGE" another one yelled. The person who leaded us hear told them what we had said to him and then someone with wings came up to us. "So, I see that you all are hybrids and so but why do you need our help and by the way I'm Philza but just call me Phil" Phil told us friendly. Then 5up introduced himself and explained everything that had happened.

Karl's pov

I looked at the strangers, they seemed nice, I really want to help them so I went up to Phil and whispered to him if they could stay in our village and that we become allies. He nodded and asked the strangers who looked at each other and then happily agreed. "Umm and until we build all of you a house I would success that you go into groups from 2 to 4 and then we look were you can stay meanwhile we built" I said.

After the groups were made and everyone got someone to stay with and they introduced themself

Karl's pov

Me and Sapnap got Fundy and 5up as group to stay with us so to make things less awkward we talked a bit more until 5up looked at me and his eyes widened then he said "Wait, you a dragon hybrid omg there so rare, can you transform into a dragon". I laughed awkwardly and told him that I never learnt how to transform into one. He gave an understandable look and asked if I wanted him to teach me how. I nodded and thanked him and that we should to it tomorrow since it's already 8pm and I'm really tired. Sapnap went to make dinner since we didn't eat, and I showed them the guest room where they will be staying.

5up's pov

I looked to Fundy to see him spaced out. I walked up to him and poked him. He didn't take notice of it until I said his name. "hmm, what is it?" he said. "you're spacing out very often since we came here is everything ok?" He nodded and just told me that he knew someone here and he wonders if they would remember him. I nodded and sat beside him on the bed, we talked a bit until Sapnap yelled that the food is ready.


hi sorry for the mistakes and I hope you all have a great day/night ^^

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