chapter 22

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hii hope you all enjoy this chapter ! also this is the last chapter from this story i hope you all liked this story ^^

Karl's pov

We stood at the doorframe from the living room, we saw Fundy, 5up talking to Dream and George. "I though they didn't get along" Sapnap whispered to me, I nodded and went into the room. The talking stopped and everyone was now looking at us. "Oh, hi Karl we thought we would visit you but then we kind of talked things out between us" Dream said. I nodded and joined their conversation. Some seconds later Sapnap also joined us.

We were talking for hours until we realised that it was already midnight. George and Dream quickly said bye and went off to their house. 5up and Fundy got up too and went to bed, now it was just me and Sapnap left. "So, should we go to bed?" Sapnap asked me. I nodded, so we got up and went to our bedroom. 

some months later

3rd pov

Everything in the village was great nothing could break the peace; nobody could find it. Everyone from cogchamp had now their own house. Karl and Sapnap are still happily together. Everyone was happy. 

Karl's pov

I was running to George because Sapnap said that I can come back at noon because he had a surprise for me. Me and George met at his and Dream's house. When we went in, we first just talked about our relationships. Then we played boardgames until Dream came and said I can go home now. I was really exited on what the surprise is.

When I opened the door everything was dark, i looked around for the light switch. After some seconds I found it when I turned the lights on, I saw flower pedals on the floor. I followed them into the living room. There was Sapnap, he smiled at me. 

3rd pov

Everything was fast to Karl, Sapnap got a ring out and asked the sentences "Will you marry me?". Karl was more than happy he said yes and quickly went to Sapnap and hugged him. They both were happy really happy.

the wedding 

Sapnap was standing by the altar, behind the altar nobody else than Wilbur. Everyone was looking at the door when Tommy and Ranboo were throwing flowers on the floor and at people. After they were finished the door opens to reveal a nervous Karl and a proud Dream. Sapnap blushed at the sight of Karl, he had a wedding dress on which looked beautiful on him.

When Karl arrived, Wilbur started (idk what the priest says when someone gets marriage so)

"bla bla bla you can now kiss."

Everyone was cheering for the pair. When Karl throws the flowers, George was the one who caught it. George immediately began to blush. 

The end

sorry that the last chapter is so short, I just didn't know what to add, well this is the end of this story. I already started another book names remember, is a karlnap ff too, slowly i think i have a obsession writing Karlnap. Well I hope you all have a great day/night. 

also this is how Karl's wedding dress looked like

also this is how Karl's wedding dress looked like

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and this is the veil 

and this is the veil 

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