chapter 2

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hi everyone hope you enjoy the second chapter
Karl's pov

I answered the angry looking kid with
"My name is Karl nice to meet you all".

They kind of looked at me confused until that guy with a yellow sweater whispered to the others something.

After a while of them whispering and me just looking around the room they finally introduced themself.

The one who cursed at me is Tommy, the one with the yellow sweater is Wilbur and the last one is Tubbo. I smiled at them and walked to the bottom bed where I sat when I waited for them to arrive. Then I asked if I can have that bed. The Wilbur guy said sure, the other two were already outside of the cell, walking to who knows where.

I started to think about Dream and where he is right now but I was interrupted by Wilbur asking me if I wanted to meet the other people in hear.

I nodded in hope to find Dream and apologize to him for not listening to him.

Wilbur's pov

As I and the new boy walked to the community room I saw how deep in thoughts he was.

I wonder what he is, he's currently in his human form. But it isn't really my business to know what he is.

We arrived at the community room to my surprise everyone was there, there was just one person in this room that I didn't recognize, he's probably new like Karl.

I stopped walking, I felt how Karl pumped into me. He started to apologise over and over again.
I told him that it was okay, and luckily he stopped but he looks like he's unsure if he should say sorry again.

I looked up and I saw the whole room looking at us. It was a bot akward until Phil came over to us, he asked me who the boy behind me was. I told him who he was. Phil nodded, I was about to i introduce Phil to Karl bit then I saw how Karl was looking around, like he was searching for someone.

"Hey Karl, you search for someone?". He didn't answer instead he ran to the person that I didn't recognise and hugged him.
I looked confused at them but decided to not disturb them and asked Phil who he was.

Karl's pov

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Dream. I was so naive to not listen to you" I said while hugging dream. He hugged back and said it wasn't my fault it was my friend's fault for betraying me. I looked up at him and smiled at him.

"Dream, who is that?"

hope you all have a great day/night!!

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