chapter 6

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hope you enjoy!!

Karl's pov

I nervously looked at the floor i didn't want dream to find out what they did, but i know dream and he won't let me go until I say him the truth. I tried to lie to him and say that i'm cold but he obliousy didn't believe it so I wanted to run but he stands infront of the door so thats impossible to do. "Karl, i know that you never wear scarfs, you cant lie or run away before you tell the truth" Dream said with the most serious tone ever. I looked directly at him and shook my head, we continued this for 30 minutes. We were interrupted by George and Sapnap, then george says " guys please dont fight and I'm pretty sure dream that he can't hide what he is hiding for that long because the guards always take scarfs away when they see someone wearing it." I looked at them in shook, but i didn't bother do worry about it now.

Dream's pov

I'm really worried about Karl, he's not acting the same since he came back from his first scientist test. I think he wears it because something happened by these persons who do the tests.

At dinner

Karl's pov

I saw guards looking at me as i come into the cafeteria, they came up to me and asked me to hand them the scarf. I looked up to them and saw that they were really tall, so i gave it to them, now where my bandages visible for others. I looked at the floor and went to get food. I felt thousand of eyes on me, I felt really uncomftarble. I sat down with my food on a table where no one was sitting so i could escape the questions, that their whould probably start asking me.

back at the cell

Karl's pov

I immedily run into the bedroom and hid under one of the bunk beds, but dream found me. "Why do you have bandages around your neck, Karl"he said in a really worried tone. I got out under the bed and went to dream, I hugged him and started to cry while I explained what they did to me.

After I told him he was sad and angry at the same time, sad because he couldn't help me and angry because the scientist did that to me. Sapnap and George were silently listening what I had told and looked the same as dream, especially Sapnap. He went up to me and brought me into a hug, I blushed hardly because of that. I slowly melted into the hug, he was really comfy and warm. But like all good thinks it had to end, two guards were asking dream to come to his first test. He nodded, I didn't want dream do leave but all i could to is look at him as he left the cell apartment.


sorry for the mistakes!!

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