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Accelerator and Misaka stood across from each other glaring at each other with an even stronger hatred than before.

"What do you mean you like him too?!" Misaka repeated, then scoffed. "of course, you realize he's mine right?" Completely forgetting the fact that just a few minutes ago she said to herself she never stood a chance with Touma anyway, and that she would let him be happy with another.


"That's never going to happen, you're a middle schooler" Accelerator spat.

"Well you're both guys! How will you two work out?! You'll face discrimination" Mikoto smirked.

Accelerator rolled his eyes. "Don't act like your homophobic. You hang out with three lesbians everyday, and one of them is obsessed with you" Accelerator recalled the twin tailed girl he's seen with the brunette. "You're probably bisexual and you don't even know it, or maybe even pansexual"

"Well you hated him!" Mikoto growled. "You tried to kill him twice!"

"I never hated him. He annoyed me, and made me curious. But I never hated him" the albino nearly smiled at the image of the dark haired unlucky moron. "Fuck, how had I never noticed my feelings sooner?!"

Mikoto's eye twitched. "Have you liked him for a long time? When did you know?"

Accelerator glared at her. "I'm not obligated to tell you that"

Mikoto remembered when she caught Accelerator pinning Touma against the wall in an alley almost a month ago. "S-so...you're really....I mean you really like-"

"Yes" Accelerator was feeling really tired.

Mikoto thinked back to Touma's confession. Could it be that Touma was talking about Accelerator? No, it couldn't be! Could it?

"What do you like about Touma?" Mikoto found herself asking. "What attracted you to him?"

Accelerator was about to say that he is wasn't obligated to answer her that, but decided this was too traublesome and he wouldn't loose anything anyway. "I like how he never gives up even when giving up seems like the only choice left. He fights on until he finds a new way to go forward" he said.

"He's too meddlesome, and has a hero complex, but I like that about it. He wants to do the right thing, he has a strong sense of justice" he remembered the night he first met him.

"He's considerate" he remembered when he slept over at Touma's apartment and the boy offered to share the tub with him because he knew how uncomfortable he was on the cold tiled floor. "He makes me laugh" the carnival games...

"He makes me feel like I can do anything I set my mind to" His childhood dream of riding on a real roller coaster after obtaining his freedom

"He accepts me for who I am" that time when they got locked in a closet at the school and shared each others' pasts.

"He makes warm meals" he remembered when him, Last Order, Index and Touma sat together for dinner, it was the first time Accelerator felt like they were a 'family'


Touma's smile

His laughter

His eyes

His words

That time at the playground when they almost kissed

"He's him"

Mikoto and the albino stood there in silence for five minutes. "I think what you feel is...deeper than just liking him. Accelerator, I think you've fallen deeply inlove" The brunette quietly said.

Accelerator would have missed it if the area hadn't been basically deserted and he was listening intently. "I...figured that much. I just wanted to confirm what I felt. Damn it this whole fucking feelings thing doesn't work well for me!" Accelerator groaned, blushing a bit.

Mikoto found herself smiling at him. Seeing the albino frustrated because he was discovering his feelings for someone, cheeks red...he looked like any other normal teenage boy.

"Congratulations, you win. Touma likes you back" she might aswel get this over with. "I met with him earlier and he was having a crisis. He's confused about his feelings and he's scared you might not feel the same way, if you hurry you can still catch him at the playground sitting on the swing. Gotta admit though, this stings" shoving her hands in her hoodie she gestured to the direction of the playground with her head.

"Go on and tell him. Quit dragging this much longer" before she left, she gave him her finale words. "I can tell you're changing to a better person, but I swear if you hurt him Accelerator I will try you to a crisp" she warned before walking pass him and heading home.

Accelerator stood there, watching her retreating back, before turning the opposite direction and running to the playground.

"Do I really deserve someone like Kamijou? Fuck, of course not! But do I care?! No I don't, I'm selfish like that. Crap I don't care anymore I just want him!"

He arrived at the playground moments later, he was actually surprised he managed to run there without using his ability, and he had been using his crutch the entire time running. He was surprised he didn't trip.

Sure enough, there was Touma on a swing, looking deep in thought.

"Oi!" He called walking towards him.

The dark haired boy blushed when he saw the albino. "A-Accelerator, good evening!" He attempted a smile.

Accelerator looked into Touma's coal black eyes, he reached his hand and pulled the boy to his feet and held him in place. What the hell was he doing? He didn't know anymore, his mind was going haywire.

"Accelerator? what are you--" Touma was silenced, he froze and eyes widened in shock, not at all knowing what he should do.

Accelerator was kissing him!

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now