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Accelerator and Touma stared at the odd tent before them, wondering how on earth the two lolis managed to do this. Surely the had some help?

"Ne, Touma I'm hungry! Cook us something!"

"What?! No way, cook for yourself! If you were hungry then you shouldn't had run off and wait for me to return! Anyways I'm too tired to---" Touma gulped when Index bared her teeth and started growling like a dog. "Eh...just uh, atleast return the bed back to normal"

"No. Last Order is staying here tonight"

Accelerator restrained himself from reaching to switch on his chocker. Of course it would make sense she would chose to stay here with the saviour, rather then with the man who killed ten thousand of her sisters.

Accelerator turned to leave, when Last Order piped up. " 'Is Accelerator leaving? Please don't! Stay here with Misaka' Misaka misaka begs desperately" the small girl hugged him from the waistline given how short she was. " 'You are staying with me are you?' Misaka Misaka inquires reminding him of the promise he made"

Accelerator rolled his eyes before karate chopping the back of her head. "Of course I am brat. But---" He rubbed the bridge of his nose before taking a look around. "There's absolutely no room"

It is true. Last Order and Index took up the entire futon. The only place left to sleep would be the bathroom or kitchen. And the albino didn't realy want to sleep on cold tiled floor. "Besides, isn't it a school week?"

"Yes it is---"

"TOUMA!" the shout from the nun brought their attention to the silver haired girl. "I have been patient to you whenever you don't play with me and chose to go to this school thing instead! I also don't complain that you don't feed me enough! Therefore Last Order and Accelerator stays! You owe me" The nun declares, missing the irritated look from the boy.

"Yes" he sighed instead.

Accelerator's brows rose. "Hold up, don't I get a say in this?" he turned to Index with a very angry expression. "Look here you little brat, Yomikawa is waiting for us, and Worst is---well who knows where that batshit crazy bitch is!"

" 'Yomikawa has already been informed that we will be staying here and she agreed. Misaka Worst is already being dealt with by someone, so there is realy no problem' Misaka Misaka explains assuringly" Last Order chimed in.

Touma's and Accelerator's eyes twitched, a cold wind blastered through the area. Last Order shivered and Index nodded. "We'll...sort this out" Kamijou says and invitingly gestured for the living room, despite the mess. "I have to cook dinner anyways"

Accelerator and Last Order went to the living room. It was too tempting an offer to pass up, and he is realy tired already. He will leave the second he can convince the brat---


Index slammed the door shut and locked it. Both boys' eyes twitching at the sound of the lock clicking.

" 'All connection to the MISAKA network is cut off except for the normal strenght' Misaka Misaka states proudly while hiding behind index"

Accelerator attempted to charge at the little brat before tripping over a pile of books and landing on the sheet tent.

The sheets collapsed on top of him and index frowned. "Our tent!"


Touma ignored the loudness as he walks into the kitchen. Index wanted pork, and they didn't had much left. Kamijou frowned before remembering a Korean recipe he saw on T.V. Pork fried with veggies and rice. He opened the refrigerator browsing through various selections.


Accelerator was in the middle of pulling Last Order's cheeks, with Index biting his other arm, and Last Order reaching punch him somwhere, when the smell of something delicious caught their noses.

The three turned to the boy efficeintly cooking enough food for ten, a smile on his face. Last Order decided to voice her oppinion. " 'He would make a very good girl' Misaka Misaka says thoughtfuly"

Touma heard the comment and nearly dropped the pan, almost spilling all their food. Instead he barely caught it, his hand making contanct with the heated metal and sliding it back onto its burner. He cried out in pain, a few tears on his eyes, and made a run for the sink ans turned on the water.

He bit his lip and stiffled his pained pitiful sobs. "Ow..." he groaned.

Accelerator squashed the impulse to ask where the burn oitment was.

Once the cold water hit the burnt skin Touma gave a sigh of relief. "Touma, you didn't drop any of the food did you?"

"That's what she's more concerned about?" Accelerator thought narrowing his eyes at her. He turned to the other boy. How does this guy put up with this enigma?

"Of course not, who do you take me for?" Kamijou waved his hand smiling kindly.

"Touma is a very unlucky boy. But he can cook and clean and he's super caring! he would make a perfect housewife" Index thoughtfuly said suggestively hoping Accelerator wouls take the hint.

If they were in a manga, and the words were a speech bubble, then they would have speared right to his heart. Touma trembled as he cried. "H-house wife? I-I'm a guy! A male! A boy! A--"

"Then you're a feminine guy" Index commented.

Kamijou felt depressed. Accelerator hid his amusement by looking away.

" 'Atleast she didn't call you a girly boy' Misaka Misaka said looking at the bright side" Last Order chimed in.

Touma felt like crying. His pride was wounded and that last comment was a giant bruise to his ego(with the little ego he had)

The albino didn't say anything, but it was clead with his smirk he found this ever so amusing. Kamijou went back to cooking the food. "Rotten luck" He thought.


The fighting and bickering came to a stop. Accelerator felt his eyes droop. It had been a long day, searching for Last Order had compounded his weariness. The small room was cozy and warm, the albino almost felt at home.

"Alright, dinners ready" Kamijou announced as the four of them gathered around the round table ready to dig in.

Touma grinned as the two girls eagerly piled their plates. He nudged Accelerator he sat next to him. "You have to move faster if you want to eat anything"

The two boys fought off their respective lolis for a small portion of food. "Thanks for the food" the four said in unison, and with that, they dug in.


After dinner, Index and Last Order left the boys to clean the table and wash the dishes. Happily playing in their make-shift tent while the boys did work.

The albino and the dark haired fell into silence. Not awkward but it wasn't comfortable either.

Touma did the washing, while Accelerator did the drying and placing them on their reapective places.

"So about that rematch" Touma broke the icy silence finnaly. Accelerator offered a grunt in response to show he was listening.

"When do you want to fight? We can't tomorrow, turns out. I forgot I have school--come to think of it. Are you in high school or college?"


"Which one?"

"You wouldn't know" Accelerator deadpnned. Touma shut up for a while.

"I'll pick you up myself"

"What?" Touma blinked in confusion.

"After your school. I'll come get you after school" his response was confusing but Kamijou decides to figure it out later.

Now after cleaning the kitchen they are faced with one last task. Where to sleep?

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now