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Warning: Long chapter

A/N: This is to make up for my previous short chapters

**Hours later....

"LET US OUT FUCKING DAMN IT! LET US OUUUUT!!!!" Accelerator screamed in rage as he pounded on the door with difficulty. Because the closet had barely any space fit for two people, the boys were squashed up against each other and could barely even move properly without touching each other.

Twice already Touma felt Accelerator's hand brush above his crotch area and he, for one wild moment thought the albino was trying to feel him up. But he brushed it off as accident because of the tight space.

"Give up Accelerator" Touma softly said. "They're not opening the door, they probably have long since abandoned us here. And we're stuck in a closet in the most isolated part of the school so...." with a heavy sigh Kamijou continued. "No one's gonna hear us. No one's coming for us. We're stuck here until those two come back to free us or someone else opens the door"

"Well all the more reason to KEEP MAKING SOME NOISE ASSHOLE!" Accelerator yelled, causing Touma to wince. "FUCKIN' DAMN IT! SOMEONE'S BOUND TO HEAR US!"

"You don't have to yell at me! I'm not deaf!" Touma spat, his fear turning to annoyance.


"Someone's bound to look for me. It's still school hours and I still have three more classes to go to" Touma reminded.

"Well they're taking their sweet time searching for a missing student aren't they?" Accelerator muttered. Clearly pissed. "I highly doubt anyone here cares for ya anyway"

Seeing Touma's hurt expression, Accelerator bit his tounge.

"H-how long do you think we've been in here?"

Accelerator glared at him as if he was stupid. "Do you see me wearing a watch?"

Touma looked down at the albino's wrists. "Er, no"

Surprisingly, Accelerator stopped yelling and pounding at the door after that. And they were surrounded by silence. Not awkward, but not comfortable either.

There was only one window in the closet. But it was too small for them squeeze through and too high for them to reach. It only served to provide them some light, and air.

Touma wondered though, the window was open, and Accelerator's angry yells were realy loud. Why didn't anyone hear them yet?

Maybe it would have been better to just let Accelerator continue his screaming fit. No matter how irritating and how much it hurt his ear.

"Oi" Accelerator began talking again. "Um, yea?" Touma hesitantly replied.

"The...."Accelerator paused, as if hesitating. "That nun, how did you wound up getting stuck with that brat?"

Touma blinked. "I....saved her?" that came out as more of a question.

"No surprise" Accelerator snorted. "I meant how did you meet her" he corrected.

Touma stiffened. How did they met? How did he save her? What was their first meeting like?

His memories had been wiped out by magic and the doctor confirmed there was no getting it back. Touma had lied to Index at the hospital when she was about to cry, pretending he knew her, pretending he remembered everything, pretending he didn't forget. His heart whispered he shouldn't see her cry.

But according to Index when he met her at the hospital, they met on the balcony of his apartment. She was hungry and he fed her. And that he saved her from magicians, and that she loved him. Although he was sure her love was more of a sisterly love.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now