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Touya lay in bed staring at the ceiling. It was around midnight, and yet he still can't find it in him to fall asleep. The reason being....Accelerator was occupying his mind. "Stupid" he muttered to himself. "Stupid" he repeated as Accelerator flashed in his mind. "AAARGH! why am I thinking like this?!" the boy fell off the bed with a loud thoud.

That did not waken the girl sleeping on couch though. Index had allowed him to have the bed this time, and decided to sleep on the couch they bought days ago.

Touma groaned before sitting up straight. Why is that albino plagueing his mind? Ever since the got locked up in that closet....his thoughts and oppinions of the esper changed. He's more comfortable with him, and he admits that time at the amusement park was realy fun.

Was it fun because of the games?

Or was it fun because he was with the white haired boy?

"I need a walk" Touma concludes and gets up. He slips in his jacket and puts on his sneakers. He gave Index one last glance, smiling at the peaceful and cute look of the young nun, before leaving.


Touma found himself back at the playground. The dark haired boy sat on one of the swings. He flashbacked to this morning.

Playing tag, Index and Last Order's laughter, Accelerator's annoyed look. Then.....

Touma found himself blushing. "Shit" he thought, and clamped a hand to his mouth. Accelerator's face was so close, so very close that if he moved one more inch they'd....they'd....

Touma shook his head to shoo away the thoughts. "Why is this happening?" he groans in frustration. "Why is this happening?"

"Nice to see you again, how long has it been Hero?"

"Good night.....Touma"


"You gonna take it or not?"

The albino swung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "OI--ACCELERATOR EVERYONE'S LOOKING!"

Accelerator sighs exagerratedly before reluctantly pulling the boy away from his neck. "Open your eyes Hero"

"When I was a kid, maybe a few months after those pyscho scientists took me. One of my dreams after leaving them would be hitting every single scary rides there are in an amusement park. And I'd do it with someone. Someone to celebrate my freedom with" there was a faraway look in Accelerator's blood colored eyes. His lips pulled into a ghost of a smile.

"I used to say. 'I couldn't do this' all the time. But now, maybe I'll try it first before I say I 'can't' . Maybe you should do the same"

Touma felt fingers intertwine with his.

"No no no!" Touma pulled on his hair.

"I'm not gay" Accelerator's eyes opened, his face fixed to a scowl, eyes boring into his. "And I don't like you"

He smiled at the albino but faltered when he glared at him. For a second he thought the albino would refuse. "fucking....fine!"

Touma tripped on something, stumbled and grabbed the first thing he could to balance himself. Accelerator's hand.

The dark haired boy was dipped down, and the albino's face was very close to his.

"Oh no.."Touma groaned and felt his cheeks. They were burning up. "Oh no...no no no..."

He may be dense sometimes, and an idiot. But he wasn't stupid enough to ignore the feelings he grew for the albino.

"God damn it, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE HIM OF ALL PEOPLE?!" he yelled.


Accelerator was brewing himself a cup of coffee when he sneezed.

"What...the hell?" he muttered.


"I can't....it's...impossible...I mean, I know I've been noticing little details about him a-and I find him..." Blushing, the young boy gulped. "Attractive"

"B...but NO! I don't lo....I mean I don't like...I don't like---" The boy suddenly froze by a familliar voice. One he did not wish to deal with right now.

"Hey, idiot" Mikoto Misaka walks up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now