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Last Order and Index were already asleep.

Accelerator and Kamijou however were having trauble sleeping. See, an hour ago the albino and the idiot had a heated argument about where to sleep and who sleeps where.

Touma offers him the bathtub, while he himself will sleep on the cold--but dry---tiled floor of the bathroom. When Accelerator asked if the tub was where Kamijou usualy slept in, the other boy responded that he USED to sleep on his bed, but he gave up trying to get his bed back becauase Index's bites were realy painful, and it didn't felt right sleeping with the nun. A very unholy nun.

The albino was realy annoyed by this response. Imagine breaker, the guy who fought and beat him TWICE, the sisters' saviour, can't stand up for himself againt a LITTLE GIRL. To say Accelerator was aggitated would be an understatement. He was half tempted to fight him right there and then, infront of the bitchy bratty nun to show the kid how dangerous Kamijou can be, but thought better of it.

The albino and the idiot settled for rock paper scissors to see who will sleep on the tiled floor and who gets the tub. Accelerator won, so he prepared to sleep on the floor. Touma, demanded a rematch and they played three rounds of rock paper scissors. Touma being unlucky kept winning, so Accelerator slept on the floor.

Yes, their argument this: Touma wanted the albino, his guest, to sleep on the tub, and he'll sleep on the floor. Accelerator declared he'll sleep on the floor, which was, unexpectedly nice of him. Touma refused, Accelerator got annoyed because the guy was being too nice to an 'enemy'

After an hour of pointless arguing they played rock paper scissors to see who will sleep on the floor and tub. Touma betted he'll be the one on the floor, Accelerator thought this pointless but was too tired to argue further in the end. With Touma's luck, Accelerator lost. But considering Kamijou was the one who was fighting to sleep on the floor, he still lost either way and Accelerator was sort of the one who 'won'


Kamijou lay there, trying desperately to sleep because he needed to be up early tomorrow for school. But, his mind was still muddled.

His thoughts fixed solely on the albino sleeping on the cold tiled floor beside the bathtub.

Just a few hours ago, the albino was being a total asshole, unreasonable, and wanted to fight him. Next thing he knew he was being pinned to the wall by the frustrated esper, then their sexualities gets embarrassingly questioned by a certain bug zapper and her perverted teleporter sidekick. Then they work together to find their annoying lolis, they walk to his apartment, Touma thinking Accelerator was--okay, looking, Index and Last Order focing Accelerator to stay here. The awkward work at the kitchen, cleaning their mess.

And then finnaly, their petty argument about where to sleep. With Accelerator angrily pressing Touma to sleep on the tub, and Touma forcing the albino to sleep there instead.

That was rather....nice, of the usualy blood thirsty albino. To consider his comfort for the night.

But Kamijou shook his head. Accelerator and nice? That doesn't sound right. And besides, he probably only wants to keep Touma well rested to prepare for their big fight. Whenever that is.

Touma sat up straight and looked down at the seemingly sleeping esper.

"Er...uh, Accelerator? Are you awake?" he nervously asked.

The albino faced him showing him, yes, he was awake.

"What?" he snapped. Touma smirked. "I told you the floor was uncomfortable. Especialy without a blanket" he teased. The albino glared at him. "You don't seem to be comfortable in that tub of yours Hero. So I'm guessing it wouldn't matter who was right and wrong because both the floor, AND the tub, is uncomfortable" the albino snapped.

Kamijou rubbed his eyes. "Um, no realy it's comfortable. But I couldn't sleep because.....because"

"Spit it out" the esper snapped impatiently.

A blush appeared on Kamijou's face. He thanked whatever god was up there that the bathroom was dark with little to no lights coming from the small window.

"Why don't you just sleep here with me? There's plenty of space" Touma said awkwardly.

He was met with silence. And now he wished he didn't sat anything.

"O-or not! Sorry! Er--I won't bother you anymore. I uh, was just feeling uneasy that um--I meant I felt bad you're down there feeling cold and uncomfrotable a-and uh---Good night!" And just like that, the boy dropped to his back and pretended to snore.

The albino frowned and rolled red eyes.

The idiot was too trusting, too naive and too considerate. Well, count himself lucky(ironic seeing as the poor guy has absolutely no luck at all outside the battlefeild) that the esper has...sort of, 'reformed' now.

"Just this once. Fuck" Accelerator thought before forcing himself up and getting in the tub lying beside the boy.

Touma had his back turned on Accelerator and Accelerator had his back turned against him.

Heat rushed to their faces and they suddenly felt hot.

"Changed your mind I see" Touma managed to say.

Accelerator chose not to respond.

"Well......goodnight then. Again" Touma hesitantly said.

Accelerator was quiet for several seconds. And just when Touma was about to fall asleep, he heard the albino mutter: "Good night Touma"

Kamijou's eyes shot open. This was the first time Accelerator used his real name.

He smiled, feeling warm inside. The two slowly fell asleep, not feeling the cold anymore and now just feeling warm.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now