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Kamijou didn't know how long he stayed hidding inside that cramped closet. Hours? No, possibly minutes only. Why can't that high and mighty Esper just let things go and move on? Well to be fair he DID stepped on Accelerator's ego and pissed him off on a number of occasions.

Being the numbet 1 esper means he should be the number 1 strongest right? No equals? No rivals?

So it's only logical Accelerator wants to settle the score. "Level 5s and their ego" Kamijou thought misrebly. He closed his eyes and thought back to the albino and Last Order's unexpected vissit last night.

Accelerator had acted....diffirent, last night. Surprisingly pleasant and quiet, not to mention his cussing was limited. "It's still a surprise he's a cuddler realy, for someone with....a couple of screws loose he looks like an angel when he's sleeping. Peaceful, and pure" realizing his thoughts he snorted. Accelerator? An angel?

"Bloody devil's more like it" he thought with a snort. It was good while it lasted. He replayed the events of last night in his head. Cooking dinner, eating together, Accelerator looking at his cooking with judgemental eyes before brightening--no matter how small or quick it was--as soon as the food touched his mouth.

Accelerator and him cleaning the kitchen together while Index and Last Order played in the living room.

The albino and him playing rock paper scissors to see who gets to sleep on the floor, and finnaly Accelerator making him feel weirdly warm when he finnaly managed to get the albino to sleep with him----oh.

" 'Got him to sleep with me'?! That sounds wrong in every aspect!" Kamijou thought.

He heard foot steps going back and forth outside. He didn't think much of it, probably just some students or a school staff.

Then he heard heavier footsteps, like someone pissed off stomping in the halls trying to make his presence known.

"Could be anyone, a delinquent playing hooky maybe? Or someone with the ability to increase foot strenght---that sounds stupid and that doesn't even sound like a thing" Touma sweatdropped.

The footsteps(stomping) getting louder and louder, nearer and nearer.

"Rotten luck--or it could be nothing? Just my mind playing tricks on me because I disturbingly haven't stopped thinking of Accelerator since I left the apartment"

He saw a shadow moving back and forth under the door. The person must be pacing.

The boy covered his mouth instinctively. "It's nothing, no one, not Accelerator! It's not Accelera---"

The closet door was wrenched opened to reveal a skinny albino in his late teens standing behind it. Red eyes boring into his soul, and a murderous look.

"Found ya now you piece of shit!" He yelled with a dark chuckle. Touma swallowed hard. "Wa-wait!" was all he managed to let out before the number 1 Esper grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up.

However, Accelerator was too focused on Kamijou to pay any other focus on his other surroundings. Two lolis took advantage of this. Last Order messed with the network so her gaurdian had absolutely no access to the MISAKA network, no connections of any sorts so he wouldn't be able to use his Esper abilities.

Index and Last Order pushed the albino(who was still holding Touma) back into the closet, slammed the door shut and locked it with a loud


Touma's and Accelerator's eyes widened.

"INDEX/BRAT!" the level 0 and the level 5 both screamed in pure anger and fear(anger coming from Accelerator, and fear from Touma)

"Come on Index this isn't funny! Let us out of here! Unlock the door young lady or else you won't be getting any supper tonight!" Touma threatenned.

"YOU SHITTY BRATS ARE GONNA BE DEAD AS SOON AS I GET OUT OF HERE YA HERE ME?!" Accelerator yelled slamming his fists against the door.

Outside though, Index and Last Order were unphased by their gaurdians' threats, instead found it cute that they got both boys so riled up.

" 'Now you can make lovey doveys in there boys!' Misaka Misaka teasingly suggests" Last Order giggles eagerly.

Index giggles with her friend. "Exactly! Although it is impossible for you to be pregnant Touma----Hey Accelerator! Take it easy with Touma okay?" Index laughed, clutching her stomach.

**inside the closet

"WHAT THE HELL?! WE DON'T SWING THAT WAY YA SHITTY UNRELIGIOUS FUCKED UP BRATTY NUN!" Accelerator raged. He then looked at Touma who was pressed against him. The closet left very little room for the two of them meaning the two males are squished up together.

"Atleast I don't. I'm not so sure about this guy here" he mutters.

Touma's eye twitched. His man pride was badly wounded again by Accelerator's comment.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now