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The odd pair had hit every single game booth there was. With Accelerator destroying most of the booths, laughing maniacly as he does so. Touma was a bit disturbed, but seeing as the albino looked like he was having the time of his life, the dark haired boy couldn't stop smiling. "What the hell is wrong with me?" he thought shaking his head.

Of course, the people running the booths were too frightenned of Accelarator to sue him or stand up for themselves, so they just let him do as he pleases while they drop to their knees and cry.

Touma allowed himself to get dragged around by Accelerator, he had pretty much given up fighting Accelerator's strong grip. And besides,though he would never admit it(out loud), he liked just following Accelerator and watching him do the work, while he just stays behind him and watch.

"So....what do we do now?" Touma asked later. The two were sipping on smoothies, sitting on a metal bench. Accelerator's eyes lands on a few rides he has always wanted to try on. "Ever ridden on a roller couster before?" the albino asked turning to Touma, his red eyes glinting dangerously.

Touma didn't get the messege and shook his head no. "Roller cousters are too scary for me, I never liked how high they get and how fast the cart goes. Just watching from down here makes me feel like losing my lunch"

Accelerator looked at Touma for a few seconds, before riverting his attention to the roller couster where screams of both terror and excitement can be heard from up there.

"Hungry?" Accelerator asked.

Before Touma could respond, his stomach gave a loud gurgling grumbling sound. The cheeks of the boy's face turned pink.

"Uhhh...." he faced Accelerator who looked at him amusedly, the corners of his lips lifting to a smirk.

Wordlessly the esper stood up, and beckoned for the other boy to follow him. Touma stands up and followed the albino towards a food cart that sells hotdogs.

Touma checked his wallet and counted how much he had left. He felt his soul leave his body when he realized he only had ¥10 left. "I shouldn't have wasted my money on that stupid ball game!" he thought, feeling like crawling to a ball.


Touma looked up from his wallet, a few tears at the corners of his eyes, and was met with a hot dog on a stick close to his face. "Um.."

"You gonna take it or not?" Accelerator narrowed his eyes at the level 0.

"This is for me?" Touma questioned in disbelief pointing at the food still in Accelerator's hand. The albino glared at him, which answered his question. "Thanks!" The boy gratefuly took the hotdog and took a large bite, savoring the flavor and moaning in happiness.

Accelerator couldn't help but feel amused at Touma's reaction. From his expression on eating the hot dog one would assume he's never eaten one before. "Hasn't he?" Accelerator blinked when Touma had finnished the hot dog in two more bites.

"So, what do we do now? Look for Index and Last Order or eat more food?" Kamijou asked looking around. "Neither" Accelerator deadpanned. "Huh? Then...what are we going to---"

Accelerator pointed upwards. "We're going to take a ride on that" he pointed to the 100 ft high ride. Touma turned white he almost looked like a ghost. "B-b-but, I don't like roller couster rides!" he stammered.

"Alright" Accelerator ran a hand through his hair cooly. "Then I'll warm you up. Let's try the horror train" he pointed to the other scary ride.

Touma gulped. It was either the one hundred feet high death trap that you could easily fall out off of the cart and down to your death or---the house of horrors, in the dark, where anything can touch you without you knowing.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now