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Index stared contemplatively at the burger infront of her. Last Order had called on one of the Sisters to provide some money for them to go eat at a restourant. Aswel as keep an eye on Accelerator as she at last gave him back his thoughts. Said albino is of course storming around the city with Kamjiu looking for her.

Misaka Worst had wandered off ditching her with Index at the last second and Last Order can't reach her. So now, the little girl is with the nun, and another Sister at a restourant.

Last Order cheerily sipped on her drink as she finnished laying out her plan. Index nodded as she took a bite of her twenty-seventh hamburger. The Sister accompanying them looked slightly panicked when she looked at her nearly empty wallet. It was rapidly growing thin and soon she would either limit the nun's eating or she would have to call upon the others from the network.

Limiting the nun sounded good. " 'There is little money left so food funds may be limited' Misaka says hoping you will understand"

"What?--Nergh no fair! I'm not even full yet!" Index whinned throwing the Misaka sister a pleading look. The Sister's head tilted away as she said " 'Feeding said subject full would be impossible' Misaka mutters under her breath"


" 'Nothing' Misaka assures through gritted teeth"

The two women sneered at each other. Many of the network were absolutely heartbroken that Kmijou Touma was thought to be gay--and horrified that Accelerator of all people was a likely candidate! But if it was for the good of the savior......

It all began when Last Order bumbed into Index. After Misaka Worst and her bolted out of the apartment after feeling the killer intent roll off of Accelerator---

Misaka Worst had ditched her last minute and ran off to who knows where. Last Order, feeling annoyed at being abandoned wanted to go after her, but ran into Index instead.

The nun had left Touma's apartment to look for him when he was taking so long and she was feeling very hungry again. And bya chance of fate maybe, she bumbed into the little girl.

The two chatted for a while and emedietly became 'best friends'

Soon their conversations led to them knowing that they both had met each others' gaurdians once. Last Order met Touma Kamijou at a shopping center and Accelerator had found Index 'starving' somewhere when she and Touma got seperated, and fed her.

It was strange how they had missed each other when they were all in the same location.

Interested and curious about Accelerator and Touma's 'relationship' the two set out to walk and talk more. On their walk however they heard familiar voices in an alley and went to take a look. Peeking behind a wall the sight they saw made Index's mouth hang open, and Last Order to blush.

There was Accelerator and Touma in a very INTERESTING POSITION. It was errotic for the nun---she's not very innocent for a nun---seeing the albino's hands on either side of Touma's head, with said boy looking very confused and also scared. Accelerator looked ready to eat him up!

Their faces were dangerously close, giving Index and Last Order the wrong idea.

It also happened that the Original Misaka and her best friend were there. Index felt very smug at the sight of thr shocked look of Mikoto, the redness of her cheeks indicating she too got the wrong idea when she saw Touma and Accelerator.....like that.

Accusations were quickly made, fingers pointed here and there. Interestingly enough Accelerator did not deny anything, causing Kamijou to look shocked and embarrassed but also confused. No one noticed the pink tint on his cheeks, but Index and Last Order sure did.

The two quickly left the scene when Mikoto looked like she was ready to 'go all railgun' right there right then.

So here they are now.

Index bit into her hamburger while complaining "Touma will be Touma and will ignore all the hints or misinterpret them as something else. Even him knowing that Accelerator likes him won't do anything---He'll just ignore it"

They had to find a way to get them together somehow. Afterall, they've done so much for them.

Index knows she is nothing but a nausiance to Touma. An annoyance and ever since she entered his life, she's brought nothing but more trauble to him. But still he cares for her very much. Maybe giving him a love interest will make him happy? and afterall, it is the least she could do for him. He's faced death in the face for her, had his arm once blown off, he freed her from the clutches of hell, and she has lost track of the many times he was sent to the hospital.

Last Order was already formulating plans to get Accelerator and Index's gaurdian Touma together. Accelerator saved her life and took her--and Worst--in. He's like a big brother to her---she wanted to say dad but that might be way too much--and if getting him with his crush will be able to repay everything he's done for her then Last Order will do it.

And besides, Last Order likes Touma. He's nice but dense. Realy dense. Her Onee-sama's feelings for Touma are as clear as water but the boy's too clueless to notice.

" 'Hmm....that is a problem' Misaka Misaka says while contemplating the problem at hand. But according to the dating service the Sisters Network has picked up, the basis to all relationships is spending time together!"

Last Order and Index glanced at each other and looked out the window to where no doubt Touma and Accelerator were looking for them. "So..." Index grinned at Last Order. "Wanna stay over at Touma's place for the night?"

Last Order eagerly nodded her head

" 'Perfect idea!' Misaka Misaka squeels in delight" The small girl raised a hand in the air. " 'While we wait there for darkness to fall we can plan everything out!' Misaka Misaka cheers eager to share her ideas!"

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now