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Touma has gotten used to being misfortunate, accident-prone and his days always end in utter disaster. He rarely gets lucky, and when luck appears by his side is often when he's in a ferecious life or death situation fighting magicians or power hungry espers.

But today though, nothing out of the ordinary happened to him. No bad guys need of ass whooping, no magicians trying to kidnap Index or trying to destroy the city, no....no misfortune or anything. This should serve as a reassurance or relief for the boy. But not, this only served to freak him out.

If he isn't hit with a bus, or tripped over a golf ball, or if he hasn't broken his pen for a good long time of an hour or two, then that means something very terrible will happen to him eventualy. Last night's incident is an example, although he has to admit it wasn't that bad. Who knew Accelerator was a cuddler?

For that, Touma snickers at the thought.

Komoe-sensei's words were nothing but a blur for him, his attentioned fixed solely outside the window. Maybe Index will make an unexpected vissit at his school? He hoped not. Who knows the kind of trauble that nun could get herself into.

He realized that while his terrible luck is on a vacation, he should take advantage of his all too sudden good luck that finnaly decided to side with him.

His thoughts then wandered to a certain albino.

"He said he'll show up to fight me at anytime. He also said he doesn't care whether I'm having a test or important exam, why is he so dead set on fighting me a third time? Did I hurt his pride when I beat him the first time? Most likely. Did I anger him for beating him a second time? Obviously. But he's not making any sense anymore, why is he suddenly nice? What is he up to? Whatever it is I shouldn't let my gaurd down-----"

"---Touma Kamijou!"

Kamijou was pulled out of his musings when a sharp pain hit his shoulder. "Ow! What the hell?" he groaned and rubbed his shoulder.

"You weren't listening at all, I knew it! For that you'll have to stay behind after classes and solve a math problem as punishment. And you won't be leaving until you get it right!" Komoe-sensei pouted cutely and crossed her arms as she stomped back to her desk. Touma groaned. Aaaaaand his bad luck has come back to claim back it's rightful place, triumphantly kicking off his good luck and perching itself on his shoulder. God damn it.

"I knew it was too good to last" Touma thought depressingly.

Touma looked out the window again, his window gave the perfect view of the front courtyard of the school.

Kamijou squinted his eyes when he saw a figure standing in the courtyard.

The figure had white hair, pale skin, a crutch, and was with a little girl and a nun.....wait....

"For fuck's sakes why now and why me and why?!!" Touma yelled standing up, his attention still at the window.

"Touma Kamijou!" Komoe-sensei yelled scoldingly. His classmates giving him questioning looks.

"Uh..Um uhh" Touma tried to think up of an excuse, but all he could say was "Sorry" and then he ran out of the classroom and into the hallway.

He needs to hide! He can't fight Accelerator. Why can't that guy just let bygones be bygones? Ohh right, he won't. Accelerator is Accelerator and when the Accelerator wants something he gets it.

"Shit" he cussed before sprinting at a random direction, heading to the teacher's lounge and praying no one was inside.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now