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A/N: The 'ball game' scene here is inspired by the book 'New prey' written by @theHiddenSemiColon. It's a Kaachako fanfic and recommend you to read it, it's a good story with a good plot(don't judge me because I ship Kaachako!)


"Touma hurry!" Index exclaimed excitedly running out of the apartment wearing a torqoise blue dress and a shoulder bag.

"I'm coming Index!" Touma replied quickly slipping on his black jacket and tying his shoe laces.

It was a good Saturday afternoon. The sky was a clear blue with little to no clouds, birds were singing happily and civilians were busy with their own lives.

It was a good day. A perfect day.

And that was why Index was so excited. Today they set their new plan to action.

"Touma Touma hurry! I wanna eat all the corndogs and popcorns, ride the ferris wheel and--pretty much hit every game booth!" Index listed, dragging the older boy behind her.

There was a newly opened amusement park and it has been the talk of Touma's classmates and friends. He wasn't surprised even Index has heard. It was all she could talk about all week. She was extra persistent with going to the park this time, and promised him she'll behave herself if they go.

As soon as they reached the amusement park and bought cotton candies Index's flip phone buzzed. A new notification. Flipping it open she checked her messages.

Last Order:

We're here! Where R u?!

"who's that Index?" Touma asked peeking over her shoulder. Index flipped her phone closed and shoved it in her shoulder bag. "Don't read other people's texts!" she scolded standing on her tip toes to poke his nose.

Touma rolled his eyes, before fondly patting her head. Index smiled. "That was just Last Order telling me to have fun. She was the one who suggested the amusement park. Actualy, she and Accelerator are here!"

Touma tripped over something and fell face first, his blue cotton candy landed beside his head, where a stray dog sniffed it. He stood up eventualy, and secretly mourned the loss of his cotton candy.

"A-Accelerator's here too?!" He stammered.

"Yes--and Last Order. Why?" Index asked pretending to be clueless to Touma's panic.

Touma forced his heart to calm down. It's been like this ever since he got locked in that closet with the albino. He's tried so hard to avoid having Accelerator mentioned. Becauase everytime the Esper's name was so much as mentioned his heart would race.

"Um..nothing" he assured.

Taking out her flip phone again she texted Last Order.


Meet us by the ferris wheel! Oh yea. And buy an extra corn dog for me please!

"Say Touma, let's go check out the rides" she suggested grabbing Kamijou's hand and dragging him with her.

They walked around for a while, stopping at random booths and food stalls. Touma offered to win her a few toys, or buy her food. He was shocked when she refused the food bit. Index almost never refused food!

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now