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"So what brings you out here?" Accelerator found himself asking, just to fill the silence. The brunette was surprised by how civil he was acting. "Late night walk, needed to think" she says. "And you?"

"Same reason"


Awkward silence.

"uhhhhh...you've been hanging out with Touma these days, so Kuroko says. Is it true?"

"What's it to you?" Accelerator challenged.

"Touma's my friend and an important person in my life, if you hurt him Accelerator I swear I'm going to-"

"Why would I hurt him?" The albino raised a brow. "Why wouldn't you?" Misaka fired back. For a while the two glared at each other, then the albino asked her a question that took her off guard. "Do you like him or something?"

Mikoto's blush and slight widen of eyes infuriated the strongest esper. "W-why would I--I mean Uhh..." Stammered the poor girl. Accelerator rolled his eyes. "It's a simple question Railgun, do you like him or not? Yes or no?"

Of course she does! Well, 'like' wasn't a strong enough word. But does it matter? Touma is gay and she already encouraged him to pursue after the person he wanted. What's the harm and in telling Accelerator?

But she wanted to get back at him too for making her flustered. So she raise her brow at him and asked "Why do you care?"

"Answer the question!" Accelerator snapped.

"I'll tell you if you tell me first why you care so much!" The Railgun all but yelled.

Accelerator clenched his teeth. Is this kid serious?! Well he saw no harm in telling her why but, his pride would not allow him. He'll tell her why he cared about her answer so much after she tells him if she liked Touma or not.

The idea of having competition didn't sit well with him.

"This kid? A competition? No way" he thought amused, or maybe he was just trying to reassure himself.

"Why don't we just say our answers at the same time" Misaka suggested. The older boy raised a brow at that. "And why would I?"

"You want to hear my answer, I want to know your reason, why not just say it at the same time and get this over with? Besides I'm curious at your reason for caring about my feelings for that idiot" Mikoto explained.

Accelerator sighed. It was a good enough explanation, he guessed. "Alright fine"

"On three?"


"One two three"

They said it.

They froze.

The two stared at each other in disbelief.

"What do you mean you like him too?!" They both yelled

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now