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Touma and Mikoto sat on the swings quietly. Touma wanted to say something, anything.

"You're not going to talk?" Mikoto's patience finnaly snapped. She turned to face Touma expectantly.

"Talk...about what?" Touma pretended to be clueless.

"I heard you. You're inlove with someone and is in denial" Mikoto pointed. "I know how frustrating that is"

"L-love?" Touma blushed. "No, I...I'm not sure I'm inlove with him but...I guess I am attracted to him since I can't stop thinking about him lately-"

"Him?!" Mikoto stood up in shock. "You're--"

"I don't know! I'm not sure yet but..."Touma groaned. "My head's about to explode!"

Mikoto thought back to the day she caught Accelerator pinning Touma against the wall...Kuroko's joy at the possibility of Touma being gay. Mikoto thought....she didn't...

"I never stood a chance anyway"

Looking at Touma, seeing how frustrated and confusrd he looked. Yet determined at the same time, with pink patches across his cheeks. "He reminds me of how I felt when I realized I was inlove with him. Confused, flustered....in denial but eventualy came to accept it"

Sitting back down she starts rocking the swing back and forth. "What's this person like? What attracts you to 'him'?"

Touma thought about it. "Well...I'll admit he's attractive" Touma thought about Accelerator's snow white locks, and his ruby eyes. "He's protective of the people he cares about. He may act like he doesn't care but he'll do anything to keep the ones he cherish the most, safe"

Accelerator cares for Last Order, and the clones.

"He seems unapproachable at first but once you get to know him better--" Touma remembers World War three, when Accelerator spent the night over, their time at the park, when they played tag at the play ground with Last Order and Index. "He's a good person who's been in the dark for too long"

"I'd like to think I'm bringing him to the light" Touma joked.

Mikoto watches him closely. His eyes...."No doubt about it"

"He even won me this cat plushie at a ball game" Touma suddenly brought up. Mikoto's eyes widened and she smiled. "The idiot seems to be enjoying himself"

"I like his scent, I don't know what it is but everytime I get close enough and catch a whiff of his smell--"

"Ooh, boy yep" Mikoto could laugh

"He's prideful, maybe a little cocky, but he doesn't underestimates his opponents. He learns from his mistakes"

"I could walk away and he'll probably still be rambling on about this guy without realizing he's alone" Now Mikoto was sure.

"I think I know what's going on here" Mikoto chuckled. "Yea, I'm slowly losing my mind" Touma sighed.

Mikoto whacked the side of his head. "No, idiot. You love him" she sighed.

Touma's eyes widened. "L-love...what?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you? I know that look, I know those eyes, you. Are. In. Love. With. Him" Mikoto crossed her arms. "Don't deny it, you'll only frustrate yourself further. Just accept it and make a move"


Mikoto raised a hand to shut him up. "What's your favorite thing about him? Personality wise or appearance wise"

Touma didn't need to think twice. "I like his eyes, I could get lost staring at them anytime. He rarely smiles but when he does it's beautiful"

"Does your heart beat fast whenever you're with him?"

"Well y-yea"

"Then you love him" Mikoto snapped her fingers. "Have you...ever felt this way before? To someone else?"

"No just him" Touma admitted.

Mikoto wanted to ask who 'him' was. But decided not to. She'll only hurt herself more if she learns the name of the boy who won Touma's heart. "I see"

Mikoto zipped up her jacket and fixed her hat. "I'm going back to my dorm. Kuroko's probably worried. And when I see you again you'd better be dating that guy! Whoever he is" with that, the 3rd strongest level five left him to his thoughts.

"Am I realy inlove with Accelerator?" Touma thought.


Accelerator was taking a late evening stroll to clear his head. Now that his feelings for Kamijou had been confirmed, what should he do now?

"I shouldn't do anything" the albino thought. "It's not like he'll feel the same. He said it himself, he's straight. And even if he isn't, he deserves someone better, someone who isn't broken, someone who's hands aren't stained by the blood of a thousand lives stolen"

It was Last Order's fault. And that damn nun.

They were so meddlesome, they ruined his peace of mind. They kept pushing and pushing and scheming until eventualy-

"I fell" Accelerator punched a wall. "I fucking fell..." he punched the wall again, forming a crack.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes" he heard the voice belonging to someone he greatly disliked.

Knowing that person also liked Touma, his dislike for the person had doubled.

"What the hell do you want Railgun?" He snapped, turning to face the younger esper. "What are you doing out? It's past curfew"

"I should be asking you the same thing" Mikoto narrowed her eyes.

What an odd coincidence. After meeting Touma and talking to him, she then runs into Accelerator.

Mikoto turned her head to a bench, then at Accelerator who looked frustrated. The same look Touma had earlier..."Another one" Mikoto thought, a little disturbed.

The electromaster went to sit at the bench, then patted the spot next to her.

Accelerator raises a brow, but went over to her anyway but instead of sitting down he stayed standing.

"You're not gonna sit down?"

"I prefer to look down on people" the Albino deadpanned.

"Of course you would" Mikoto thought.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now