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He was half expecting this was what Accelerator was going to say, but also half hoping he would have said something else. Kamijou resisted the urge to run away from the albino. It would be pointless to run, because the albino is right. He can never outrun him.

"Er, could you repeat that?" Kamijou asked acting clueless. This proved to be the wrong thing to do, for one second Accelerator was scowling at him the next he shoved him against the wall pinning him, placing both arms on either side of the boy's head.

"Listen here Hero! Don't get too cocky just because you managed to defeat me twice. If you look at it realy you just had luck at your side and I underestimated you the first time we fought. The second time, I was frustraed with you and I let my anger get the best of me! Well, now I know how to fight you. I just need to keep my mimd clear" Accelerator spat.

"So fight me!" He growled out. Kamijou gulped.

"But why? I mean what's the point? To boost your ego? Heal your pride that I wounded?" he realized too late, how stupid he was to have said that. But it was too late, Accelerator sent him a heavy killer intent that made his knees buckle.

"You shitty fucking idiot! I'll----"

"---- Finnaly found....you...." Mikoto stood frozen in her spot when she saw Touma and Accelerator in such an 'interesting' position.

Accelerator, the number one strongest Esper, had his hands on either side of Touma's head, their bodies pressed ever so closely. It also doesn't look like Touma was escaping or pushing the albino away anytime soon, far from it realy.

Misaka's face flushed red. She frowned and pointed at Accelerator who doesn't seem fazed by her.

"Y-you! What the hell are you doing to---"

"----Aha! I knew it! I knew he was gay!" Suddenly, Kuroko Shirai, a level four teleporter esper, appeared beside Misaka with a camera in hand. Her eyes landed then on Accelerator.

"I wasn't expecting Accelerator to be one either. This is big" Kuroko said. Misaka, face entirely red glared at her best friend. Then she looked at Accelerator dead in the eye. "Get off of him!" she demanded, sparks flying from her bangs.

Accelerator just gave the electromaster a deadpan look, then his look went to Kuroko, and then back at the equaly confused Kamijou. But then, what the two middle schoolers said finnaly sank in.

The two males gave each other one look, before Accelerator stepped several steps away, dusting his white hoodie, and Touma looked at Kuroko who had an 'I knew it!' expression.

"I'm not gay!" Kamijou defends.

"I know you're not" Misaka gritted her teeth, before sending the albino a penetrating glare that did not have the desired affect on him.

"I'm straight" Accelerator deadpanned.

"Oh yea?! Well why were you pinning this idiot against the wall? And your faces were super close! One wrong move and you'll wound up kissing!" Misaka placed her hands on her hips. Of course Accelerator could be gay! He's never showed interest in girls--granted Misaka never interacts with him and doesn't know him that well---also, who the hell WOULDN'T crush on Touma? The idiot may be an idiot, but he's got a charm in him that can easily pull anyone towards him. She just wasn't expecting Accelerator to be one of those who was hit with Kamijou's charisma.

"Onee-sama's right! I should know. I've read enough romance novels both STRAIGHT ones AND gay ones to know!"

Kuroko supported smugly. In reality she doesn't care about Accelerator's sexuality. What she cares more about is Touma Kamijou's! If she proves to her Onee-sama that her crush is gay then her Onee-sama's as good as hers!

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now