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As soon as Accelerator and Last order arrived home, the albino roughly shoved Last Order aside and literaly accelerated to his room(A/N: No pun intended)

Once inside, the albino locked the door and jumped into bed, grabbed a few pillows, covered his face with said pillows, and screamed.


He kept screaming while punching his pillow, well aware that his face is as red as his eyes right now.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" he screamed, voice muffled by the pillows.


Last order has her ear pressed against the door, concerned for her gaurdian.

Misaka Worst was nowhere to be seen and Yomikawa wasn't home either. It was just her and her screaming gaurdian.

Gathering her courage, she knocked on the door. " 'M-Misaka wants to know if you are okay' stammers Misaka worryingly"


"NO YOU SHITTY BRAT I AM NOT OKAY!" Accelerator replied frustratedly.

From the other side of the door, Last Order asked: " 'Can Misaka come in?' "

"NO!" Accelerator growled.

" 'okay then Misaka's coming in' says Misaka as she breaths a sigh of relief having sucessfuly pitched the lock" the clone pushes open the door, holding a hair pin in her right hand.

The albino glared at her. Last Order gave her gaurdian a worried look, noticing how red he was. " 'what happened back at the playground? With you and the Kamijou boy, Misaka means' "

"tch" Accelerator rolled to his side so his back was facing her.

The little girl puffed her cheeks and stubbornly went to the other side of the bed to see his face. Accelerator responded with turning to the other side to face the door. The clone merely moved to that side aswel.

"You planned all that, didn't you brat?' Accelerator accused. Last Order smiled sheepishly. " 'is it wrong to support her favorite esper with his love life?' Misaka teasingly asked with a knowing look"

Accelerator sat up straight. "Love--what?!" he glared at the clone when she pouted, looking at him innocently. " 'remember? You said it yourself that you love him!' Misaka reminded the clueless boy"

At this, Accelerator looked angry. "When did I say that?! Last Order!" He never said he loved that idiot, infact he doesn't recall ever admitting something so ridiculouse!

Lasr Order placed her hands on her hips sassily. " 'This morning! When we played Questions and Answer, you said you liked Touma Kamijou's company!' "

"How does that count as me loving him?!"

" 'it means you don't mind his presence at all! It means you like being around him now!' "

"I'm like that with you and Worst, I talk to the other level 5s now and you don't see me murdering them in their sleep anytime soon" Accelerator countered.

" 'You admitted that your heart skipped a beat when Touma hugged you!' "

"Anyone's heart would fucking skip a beat if they ride on THAT ride! There were caution signs and everything"

" 'You admitted to finding Touma cute! And that means you find him attractive! ' Misaka frustratedly yells!"

"I blurted out the first nonsense that could satisfy you because I wanted the game to be over and done with" Accelerator scowled.

" 'You're lying!' Misaka screams patience cracking!" Last Order picked up a fallen book and threw it at Accelerator. Accelerator's abiltity automaticaly redirected it causing Last Order to start cursing in german.

"I don't see why you're even pushing me and Kamijou together" Accelerator narrowed his eyes at Last Order, but on a rare moment his eyes softenned when he saw the kid was ready to cry.

"And even if by a small, slim chance that I could hold feelings for the hero. He's too dense to realize, and I'm too cawordly to make a move" He muttered a curse remark when he saw Last Order's brightenned up expression.

" 'is that you admitting you hold feelings for Kamijou? Even if it's just a small crush?' " Last Order was sparkling, her smile formed a heart shaped one and her eyes were glimmering.

Accelerator froze, staring at Last Order for the longest time. He couldn't possibly be infatuated with the saviour right? That's...

Maybe he is. But when the hell did it all started? Ahh, maybe when the two of them got locked together in that cramped closet. Or maybe at the amusement park where they spent the entire day together?

Accelerator scowled at his hand. Rememebering the feeling of Touma's hand in his. "For fuck's sake this is so damn sappy" Accelerator thought annoyed.

" 'Accelerator? Oh, Accelerator! Are you still there?' " Last Order knocked the side of Accelerator's head. Accelerator glared at her, though this time the glare wasn't as harsh as he usualy gave.

"It's just a crush" he scoffed.

But that was enough to send Last Order jumping with glee. " 'FINNALY! Misaka was worried it'll take a very very long time for you to swallow down your pride and admit that you are realy capable of liking someone other then yourself!' Misaka cheers in pure joy!"

"This entire time Misaka was under the impression you were narcissistic" came an extra voice.

Misaka Worst stood by the door with a sadistic smirk, wearing a tank top and shorts. "Haha! Misaka was wrong all this time!"

Accelerator sat there, eye twitching. Narcissistic? Did they not appreciate him taking them in and giving them food, cloth, and a roof over there heads?! And the bitch had the nerve to call him Narcissistic?! "GET OUT YOU UNGRATEFUL LAB RATS!" Accelerator, in a fit of embarrassment and rage, picked up Last Order by the collar of her lab coat, and tossed her out of his room, before slamming the door shut on Worst's face.

Accelerator was heaving, his face once again as red as his eyes, he plopped down in bed before grabbing a pillow and covering his face with it.

"It's just a crush. Just a stupid shitty damn crush" he grumbled. "God damn it I'M GONNA KILL THAT BASTARD FOR MAKING ME FEEL THIS WAY!"

A/N: Fact: both Japanese and English voice actors of Accelerator are the same voice actors for Karma Akabane(Both japanese and english) from Assasination classroom.

Apparently they have a thing for voicing pyschos :D

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